Lawn advice

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by AndyW72, Apr 18, 2016.

  1. AndyW72

    AndyW72 Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 1, 2016
    My lawn, well its not really a lawn its just a bit of grass, is very patch and gets very waterlogged, to the point that it usually takes a couple of days before it stops squelching!!

    Parts of it don't get much sun while others get a reasonable amount but nowhere gets it all day.

    Its mainly for the kids, so summer there is plenty of football out there... I have tried patching it with seed but it never seems to last and the patches, the same as before, return.

    Would appreciate any and all advice.


  2. Mowerman

    Mowerman Gardener

    Jul 26, 2015
    The waterlogging and being trampled will need constant maintenance. Also, you mentioned it doesn't get much sun, which won't help either.

    You can get shady area grass but it doesn't seem to be as resiliant as a harder wearing utility grass seed mixtures that usually contain perrenial Ryegrass, but strains that have less infamy than years gone by.

    A company called Boston Seeds are specialist in grass and they maybe be worth giving a call.

    My advice would be to aerate the lawn with a hollow tine aerator. They can be picked up for as little as a tenner, although spending a bit more will obviously get you a better product. They allow water to drain away better and increase the airflow to the grass roots, resulting in stronger grass and less chance of moss creeping in. Creating a raised lawn by cutting the outer edges off with a moon-shaped edging spade will help with drainage and the water should run into plant borders (if you have them). Don't do it if the grass meets staggered paving slabs as it looks unsightly.

    Obviously, if your lawn is on the bottom of a hill, you'll probably always be faced with the problem as that's where gravity will always win and make your job a lot more difficult. The back end of this winter and spring so far has been a washout but hopefully things will improve soon.
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