lawn care for a newbe

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by markyb, Jul 5, 2008.

  1. markyb

    markyb Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 5, 2008
    im new to gardening and have been trying to get my lawn looking good
    it was a mixture of weeds, grass and moss .
    i used evergreen complete
    after a couple of weeks i raked up the dead moss and weeds, i was left with beautiful green grass along with loads of bald areas were the moss had been.
    i then reseeded the areas and covered with soil/compost .
    when i say reseeded i used enough to cover wembley 3 times over.
    the result after a couple of weeks is a lush green and thick lawn.
    i have one or two small areas that need more seed. so i will do that this week.
    i also have a few ant hills in the back that i have had to reseed as well.
    i have a couple of questions.
    what next

    should i be aerating the lawn and if so what is the best way to do it??

    when should i next use weed and feed??
    what is the difference between evergreen complete, and evergreen i want complete lawn care
    i have more questions but i will stick with these for now
    look forward to your advice
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    "should i be aerating the lawn and if so what is the best way to do it??"

    I would hire a machine. But you could use a fork if your lawn is small.

    " when should i next use weed and feed??"

    Not sure about using any more this year. A bit more feed might be OK, but weather is getting dry now. Be careful what weed killer you use on newly sown grass. A spray for spot-treatment is probably better than a combined product like Evergren Complete (i.e. cheaper because you only pay for the weed killer that you use, not to cover the whole lawn). Also look at a liquid feed - that might be better this time of year if weather is dry.

    In the Autumn use a feed which is label for Autumn use (less Nitrogen than Spring feed products)

    " what is the difference between evergreen complete, and evergreen i want complete lawn care"

    I expect Evergreen is fertiliser only. If so it will be cheaper. If you weeds are only in a few places I think localised treatment would be better, see above.

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