lawn seed....canada green any good?

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by mcmac74, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. mcmac74

    mcmac74 Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 3, 2007

    The shops are predictably low on choice of lawn seed this time of year. I'm looking to overseed some new turf that has gone a little patchy. Does anyone have any good recommendations? The turf i laid was of good quality, a hard wearing ornamental turf used on golf courses from Elliots in Nottinghamshire. Not seen much inbetween light use ornamental and general use family stuff. I actually bought some of the canada green stuff, which is being heavily advertised and took it back 2 mins later when i realized it was 25% meadow grass and 25% rye grass which didn't seem like a good mix to me with my limited knowledge.

    Any advice appreciated

    Cheers, mark
  2. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    hi mark

    i used canada green and was pretty happy with the results it came up quite quickly and was a very lush green and quite thick i would use it again ,

    as for which type of seed you need im not sure but this site will give you an idea of what to get
  3. Barra

    Barra Gardener

    Jan 24, 2006
    Canada green is fantastic i used it in the outher hebrides which has to deal with 100mph+ winds and driving rain which is full of salt from the atlantic and after 6 months i was having to mow the lawn at least 3 times a week that was 5 years ago and apart from adding some evergreen complete once a year around april the grass is so lush its hard to believe and it is walked on every day along with kids playing on it. well worth the extra pound or so as it stays green all the time regardless of full sun or not

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