Laying turf over an existing lawn?

Discussion in 'Lawns' started by stomach, May 1, 2006.

  1. stomach

    stomach Apprentice Gardener

    May 1, 2006
    Hi All, first post for me, and I'm in need of a little advise please :).

    Can anyone tell me if it is possible to lay new turf over an existing lawn?

    I have 2 areas of grass at the front of my house (approx 12 foot square each) and it is in an awful state of repair. It seems to be about 80% moss and one of them has a big dip in the middle.

    I was planning re-turfing them but was hoping that I could just put down soil on top of the old lawn and then roll out the new turf. Is this possible??

    I would be grateful for ANY help/advice.

  2. frogesque

    frogesque Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005
    Anything is possible, the question is whether it's advisable.

    First thing you need to do is investigate why your existing lawn is in poor condition. Unless you rectify the problems your new turf will likely head the same way.

    Moss is indicative of poor drainage and/or lack of light. If the grassed areas are not too shaded then water retention is the likely culprit and if you are on clay soil water could be pooling in the hollows. Ideal for moss but death to fine grasses.

    You really need to dig over your existing lawn and incorporate horticultural grit and humus to promote drainage and provide a good level base for your new turf to grow into. No short cuts I'm afraid, grass is a living plant and if conditions for growth aren't favourable it will not thrive.
  3. stomach

    stomach Apprentice Gardener

    May 1, 2006
    Thanks for the advice frogesque.
  4. Dennis

    Dennis Apprentice Gardener

    May 3, 2006
    I too was planning to lay turf over my existing lawn for two reasons, a.I've had an extension built to the house and the builders have created bare patches b.there are a couple of low spots, but unlike Stomach, I don't have any moss to contend with, do you think I should go ahead ?

  5. JKinnell

    JKinnell Apprentice Gardener

    May 5, 2006
    I'd have to agree with frogesque; you really can't take shortcuts when laying a new lawn, any problems with the existing lawn will obviously be shared by any grass planted on top of it. I would suggest checking your soil pH as well.
  6. GodsDeputy

    GodsDeputy Guest

    i have a similar problem, there is a large part of my lawn that is just mud... would i be able to just whack some turf on top of it or should i seed it?
  7. lmoshea

    lmoshea Guest

    i'd recommend doing both...

    under every good lawn is good seed...

    like behind every great man there is a brilliant woman...

    i love grass...especially in the spring...
  8. GodsDeputy

    GodsDeputy Guest

    but is there any point in doing both? wont the turf on top of the seed just kill the seed and negate its use?
  9. lmoshea

    lmoshea Guest

    although you can't see the effects of foundations of beautiful doesn't mean they are pointless...

    *dreams about green lawns and pollen counting"

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