Leaf Mulch

Discussion in 'Compost, Fertilisers & Recycling' started by MrMorgan, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. MrMorgan

    MrMorgan Gardener

    Sep 9, 2011
    East Devon, 5 minutes NNE of Ottery
    Well Veggie Patch was finally cleared this weekend, novice grower so no planning ahead with winter crops :(

    Anyway the veggie patch this year is going to become a strawberry bed and a new veggie patch which is a bit bigger is in the 'thinking' stages of construction which is probably as far as most of my great plants get.

    Anyhow in preparation for the strawberries I thought I should revitalise the soil. Now we have inherited tons of well-rotted leaf mulch from the previous occupants so can I just launch a load of that on the soil and let the worms take their course or do I need to be digging it in?

    Am I right in thinking that leaf mulch won't actually add many nutrients to the soil and if I intend to plant strawberries in there imminently am I risking damaging them?

    I thought I had some compost but despite my best efforts the compost is'nt quite ready yet. Anything else I can do too improve the soil before planting? I've made up a nettle broth and live 5 miles from the sea so seaweed also an option.

    Many thanks,

  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hi Mr M,

    Leafmold is ideal for Strawberries, they were originally a woodland plant. You are right, there is not a lot of nutrient in it but it is a good soil conditioner & will hold moisture.

    Seaweed is good, needs rotting down & raining on to get the salt out.
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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Oh, the worms will dig it in if you don't want to. But the Badgers will throw it everywhere to get at the worms.
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