I haven't found any on the lawn, but every night for the last 3 or 4 nights I have found 2 on the path. Earlier today I picked up some black bags by the gate and found another 2 hiding under them. My lawn is raised, could it be they did originate from the lawn, but fell off and couldn't get back? Every time I have found 2 on the path I have gone over the lawn with a torch, but there are no signs of activity. I have a patio area covered in Cotswold gravel, could they be living in that? Its confusing me lol
Are you sure they are leatherjackets and not small slugs? http://www.lawnsmith.co.uk/enthusiast/pests-diseases-of-lawns/crane-fly-leather-jackets
definatly not slugs, only found 1 on the path tonight, took a photo of the 2 I found earlier under the rubbish bags.
They look like leatherjackets :( you can get a roller on your lawn & crush them but a treatment will likely be in order. We had an outbreak of these a couple of years ago. Have you got holes in your lawn & dead patches?
I found my first ever grub in my lawn yesterday (not to sure what it is at the moment ) . If I need to what is the dog safe treatment ?
Yes, they are leatherjackets Adamsh. They've obviously crawled out of the lawn overnight and hidden under the bags out of daylight. I don't think they would survive in your gravel patio. A sure sign of leatherjackets is plenty of birds on the lawn. I quite often have a couple of dozen starlings 'grubbing' around looking for them, jackdaws as well.
Heard an interesting tip on GQT....If there is damaged parts on your lawn where you suspect Leatherjackets,give it a quick water then cover with black polythene...only over night,then take up in the morning,the leatherjackets will have come to the surface and the birds will immediately eat them without digging up your lawn
Thanks all, there isn't any visible signs of lawn damage other than the areas that are in constant shade (which is also where the dog used to do its toilet when I looked after her). These areas are now recovering after a scarify and shady lawn overseed. I have a couple of small tennis ball sized bald patches but again this is in an area that doesn't get as much sun. I had a looked today and can see no holes in the lawn, I'm not overly concerned as I did read that any healthy lawn will have its fair share, and not to panic at the first sighting. I haven't seen any on the paths tonight, if they do crawl from the lawn there is no way they can get back onto it after going over the sleepers and falling to the ground.
I might be able to better that. When I was young I'd earn extra pocket money from my Father who'd pay me one penny for every leatherjacket I killed, so I'd have a row of squished ones lined up ready for counting, but one day I ended up sitting on them and made him count the splodges on my jeans as there was no way I wasn't being paid for my hard work.