leeches in ponds

Discussion in 'New Members Introduction' started by exlondoner72, May 4, 2007.

  1. exlondoner72

    exlondoner72 Apprentice Gardener

    May 3, 2007
    Hi, I have several ponds and water features, I have noticed recently what appears to be leech infestation in my ponds, does anyone have any ideas how I can erradicate these,my main pond has small koi, goldfish and plants, the others only plants. the leeches? are small black and stick to anything in sight, the scared the life out of my wife the other day when she put her hand in one of the ponds to remove a plastic bag that had blow into it and they stuck to her hand.
  2. frogesque

    frogesque Gardener

    Sep 13, 2005
  3. exlondoner72

    exlondoner72 Apprentice Gardener

    May 3, 2007
    Hi Frogesque, thanks for the info,I must first apologise for posting on the wrong place. have had a look at the sites you suggested, as you say draining the pond and keeping it dry for several weeks is a bit impractical, have seen another tip about fishing for them with liver which I am going to try, also there was a suggetion of dosing with something called dillim, but not keen on dumping chemical in with my fish. just as a matter of interest my main fish pond is 10ftx 6ft x 2ft deep, and I have about 60inches of fish in it. usual spring problems with murcky water even though I have 2x 2000lph pumps feeding 2x uv+bio filters plus lillies, and dosed with biostart bacteria, have built a pergola over it and trying to obtain some shade as we face due south. hope to hear from you again.
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