Hi everyone! Well after 6 years of avoiding looking at it, I'm about to 'tackle' the garden, not looking to make it anything extrordinary but the kids are getting up and they need somewhere to play out away from the psp and xbox on the few odd days good weather we get!! So looking for lots of advice if thats ok? Will promise to update on how things are going! Anyway.... can anyone tell me how to post pics? Tried the FAQ but cant find this [Attachments] button anywhere lol
Hi legoman To post an image, you need to upload to photobucket or similar image site, then click the little icon above the message box (the second from the right that looks like a picture of 2 mountains) and paste the link to the picture into the the box that pops up. Good luck with the garden!
Cheers...... but unless i'm going blind or mad there's no icons above the message box, all i've got it 'Reply to Thread' in a purple bar, then the title box and then the main message box..... Am I doing something wrong?
you need to edit your options under usercp, top left of page. click there, under settings and options on left hand side, click edit options. scroll down to bottom of page, change under misc. options to 3rd option. (enhanced interface). click save changes, then you will get the additional icons!! welcome to GC by the way!
other way to post images, if using photobucket, is to copy the text in IMG CODE box below each image you want, and paste it into you post. it will look like [IMG various words and numbers IMG] or similar, but should be visable as an image!
Hi Lego! Another Geordie! Newcastle could have its very own splinter group! Hope you enjoy being here ! Looking forward to seeing your photos! Kath
Hi Legoman welcome to G C as Glenw pointed out I think you will find the easiest way to download images and avitars is through photobucket.