I would say relativly slow growing. I have mine for a few years (under 7). I planted 2 together. One is Appleblossom, for the 2nd I have to check where I have name written. Now in the pot they are higher than me and the pot falls on the side with every strong wind. (I already got it earlier and intentionally used large plastic pot). They beg to be moved in ground. Now full of buds. Edited: Appleblossom bought in 2020 as a little plant. Last year spring:
Hi Victoria, not particularly slow growing here. Planted as 3l, 45cm high into the ground they took about 3 years to get to 2m. Now 10 years on, the unpruned double red is 3.5m and spreading outwards. The double pink is about the same height but I've had to hard-prune it to keep it columnar. Doesn't seem to have done it any harm. The original double red, planted too close to the edge of the pool slabs was chopped down to 50cm and is rejuvenating well.
I only grew it from seed a long time ago, never bought any of the double flowering plants. Mine was fairly fast, but I grew it in the ground rather than a container, I think a hard winter back in the 90s finished it off.
I thought I saw yours Pete, a tall silvery white one. I agree plants I have put in the ground have gone beserk ... but there is seriously no earth left so wanted it for the full sun Courtyard.
I still have that one, I bought that as a plant but I grew L.scoparium from seed. The silvery leaf one is called silver sheen I think it's a different species.
Well according to the RHS its, Leptospermum lanigerum 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum myrtifolium 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum liversidgei 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum grandifolium 'Silver Sheen' Leptospermum scoparium 'Silver Sheen' Basically, I dont think they know.