Let's raise a glass to ...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by "M", Jun 15, 2017.

  1. "M"

    "M" Total Gardener

    Aug 11, 2012
    The Garden of England
    ... often there are threads on here relating to the passing of a well known person/celebrity and we even have a rainbow bridge thread for our pets.

    I think it may be equally appropriate to have a thread where we can raise a glass to someone we knew.

    I have learned of the passing of a childhood friend; we kept in touch right up until our mid-30's but, as so often does, life gets busy, people move, contact becomes less. Yet, I've learned, the "feelings" do not move or become less, so, it is still with sadness that I raise a glass to an old, dear friend tonight. I don't have any "permission" to name him on an internet site, but that isn't always necessary.

    For my old, childhood, friend: Goodnight and God Bless - you were way too young to go :grphg:

    By the way, matey ... it is *still* your round!! No :nonofinger: lager and blackcurrant will *not* do! :heehee:
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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      To your friend :Wino:
      • Agree Agree x 2
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      • "M"

        "M" Total Gardener

        Aug 11, 2012
        The Garden of England
        Thank you Zigs ... hope that is lager and black in that glass of yours! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
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        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          When we were growing up, he saved very hard and bought himself a Honda 750 (I'm sure that means something to those in the know; to me it was a motorbike!). There was a big race going on one weekend and he asked if I'd like to go with him. Sure, had nothing better to do, why not? :noidea:

          He arrived, dressed in a full, one piece, green and yellow "leather" thingy and off we set.

          As a pillion (teen), I didn't really have much to look at? Then, my eye was drawn to the back of his neck ... the area *below* his head, but *above* the leather neckline. I was a mid-teen, he was a later teen and *there* ... *gulp* ... *there*, in that 'space' was ...

          ... HAIR! :huh: ... :eeew: Who had hair *there*! :th scifD36: :nonofinger: :eeew:

          The races were brilliant and a good time was had by us both: lurking in the background of my thoughts was the thought of a ride home facing: man hair!!! :oops:

          As we got ready to leave, I said to him: please, no, really; PLEASE don't wear your leathers on the way home :redface: Please, just wear ... clothes! (I couldn't bring myself to tell him I found his body hair ... off putting :redface: )

          Credit to my dear friend, he laughed, didn't push the point and remained in his shirt and trousers ... then, rode us home (sans leathers). WHAT a gent!! :love30:
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          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            Unfortunately I'm of an age when friends have been dropping like flies :sad: I'd like to raise a metaphorical glass to all of them. Good friends and true. :Wino:
            • Friendly Friendly x 2
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            • CanadianLori

              CanadianLori Total Gardener

              Sep 20, 2015
              Battle Axe
              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
              I've lost a dear friend this year and I think of him often and talk to him as well. We were so close that if I hadn't already been married, we would have been We never ever talked or made any advances, assignations or unacceptable behaviour because, both us, being moral and ethical people would never betray my husband. Or perhaps he'd remembered that my previous two husbands being dead...well,really a bad track record. :heehee:

              But I miss him every day. I miss my brothers who were older than me but died long before their time.

              I miss many pub friends who died young from anything but drinking.
              • Friendly Friendly x 3

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