Would anyone like to have a Limerick? You know, usual five line ditty of nonsense. One line per person. No poetic experience necessary ââ?¬â?? just the ability to string two words together and a sense of fun. If no one responds then I'll have the answer to my question - but I won't be offended - promise If I start (tentatively) with..... There was an old lady from York.......
Ata girl SunshineP - oooo I love J Depp - If it's just u and me then it keeps the old grey cells going!! The stork was a pancake.....
that looked like a mandrake (I learnt most of my limericks when in the RAF so they are not repeatable in polite company)
So was cooked with a roast side of pork :confused: (that's rubbish but not many words rhyme with York do they? Stupid first choice Kryssy! - I hope someone starts another, easier, one) It all seemed like a good idea at the time
There was an old man who lived in a tree, :rolleyes: Not very original I know [ 05. July 2007, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: Marley Farley ]