I have just bought a packet on 1400 seeds and was wondering if i can sow them directly into the ground. they would look great around a heather patch which is already established. the last thing i want to do is put them in seed trays as i intend to take them up to my mums house in the outer hebrides which involves ferries and bus journey's so a packet ready to spead would be so much easier than taking tray. any advice????
You can direct sow them Barra, but they will flower later, about august here, just wondering if they would get to flower in your neck of the woods before autumn. Maybe they would with the longer days and all. Bear in mind they come from S Africa so like lots of sun and good drainage. If it was me I'd try both methods, a few in those small cell trays started early, and the rest of the seed sown in May? Perhaps.
well the ground is very sandy and is on a south facing slope so i think i will sow direct thanks for your help