Looking after yourself emotionally and physically during 'virus lockdown'

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Tea Rose, Apr 6, 2020.

  1. Tea Rose

    Tea Rose Happy In Life

    Apr 6, 2020
    Heart Of England
    I am sure we all have our own ways of dealing with what is going on at the minute in the world. I am hoping we can all share some ideas with each other to keep busy mentally and physically. I myself have taken time to do a few things.
    1. Garden, to do odd jobs that have been left undone over the winter and while at work.
    2. Walk followed by a 10 minute exercise routine from a mobile phone app.
    3. Reading...the paper, a daily poem from the internet etc.
    4. Writing poetry
    5. Cooking
    6. Talking to people online (like now).
    7. Relax

    I am avoiding watching too much of the news...once a day is enough to know what is going on, too much of it will end up affecting my emotion and mood.

    Try something you may not have before, such as meditation, positive thinking affirmations or prayer.... or learning an online game...writing a kindle book. Its not as hard as some people may think.

    I have an elderly father who is self isolating completely, he does not do the digital world and has no computer and only a basic phone so I have been thinking of things to keep him occupied. So far Gardening and cooking seem to be winners. I will be interested to see if there are any more suggestions.

    Stay safe everyone. These are just my ideas so may not be for everyone. All will be well soon I hope.:hapflowers2:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Islander77

      Islander77 Keen Gardener

      Mar 17, 2020
      Various , allegedly retired
      West Coast of Ireland; offshore
      It has been easy for me as I am in permanent isolation due to my immune system being down. It takes adjusting and I think to take things slowly and not rush to be at something all the time. Maybe too a time to try something you were always meaning to try. Give yourself time to adjust. Deep breath! Does your father like eg crosswords? They helped me mightily. Also solitaire. Good luck.
    • Upsydaisy

      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

      Apr 26, 2017
      Living in hope of world wide peace.
      Hampshire. Zone 8b
      Feeling as I do now ,the only advice I can give is to wear PPE and go and see your Dad!!
      I saw mine every week and did his housework, laundry, garden and also had 'social' days with him ..just chatting and listening to his favourite music. My younger sister came home for Easter so I stayed away ( limiting his chance of any virus contact) . He suddenly became increasingly frail..and had to have carers and nurses in to help my sister. I stayed away for fear of adding to the chances of passing something on to him as he had 9 other people in and out of his house on a daily basis suddenly. Last Thursday we were told he could have at the most about 4 months left to live as they had found that he was in fact very poorly. I spoke to him, as I did every day, last Friday and promised him I would be over this week to plant out his summer garden. He said he was looking forward to seeing me again ......he slipped into unconsciousness early on Saturday morining, never to wake again. I did spent his last 20 hours by his side.... but the regret I will have for the rest of my life is that I stuck to the rules and stayed away for what turned out to be the last month of his life.

      Get PPE ( I did and wore it from the very start) and go and see you Dad !!
      • Friendly Friendly x 2
      • Telmadee

        Telmadee Gardener

        May 7, 2020
        Lab tech
        At the start of lockdown we ordered jigsaws too, some elderly people like jigsaws or sudoku etc
        • Agree Agree x 2
        • hans

          hans Gardener

          Jun 10, 2005
          Mid Wales
          A few years ago I bought some juggling bean filled bags. I came across them and decided to have a go. I can do around 10 catches regularly and now and again 20. I practice 2 or 3 times daily and there is improvement ...if you look carefully. I don't think a job in the Circus is on for a while or juggling with the best china but it is a laugh. ......looking for a second hand clown outfit I already have the red nose.
          • Funny Funny x 1
          • Sian in Belgium

            Sian in Belgium Total Gardener

            Apr 8, 2011
            Just south of Brussels
            I did a number of jigsaws at the beginning of the confinement, as it was called here in Belgium. I found they relaxed me, and kept enough of my brain occupied.

            As an avid “crafty” person, I have numerous projects on the go at any one time. I set myself the challenge of finishing a few of them, as well as doing small projects that I enjoyed.
            I have finished, and framed !! a couple of cross stitch pieces (they can sit in a draw waiting to be framed for years!!). E53DF628-DF75-4063-9E4F-EDC73BFC8319.jpeg
            our wedding sampler - it’s only waited 2 years for me to stitch the “plaque” or dedication!

            This was my travelling cross-stitch

            7414C48B-49C8-4320-9093-B8A7271B2C5C.jpeg I decided to knit a cardigan for a baby in our street, and we gave it to the parents on Sunday - so pleased I did that! (And that I knitted one “for the autumn” as she’s a bonny girl, and one for her age now would be too small for her within weeks!).

            I’ve had an ambition to make a patchwork duvet cover out of hubby’s colourful work shirts, and have nearly finished the over stitching on the patchwork - will probably be done by the end of this weekend.

            another patchwork, this time made from old denim jeans, to act as a sofa protector...

            In all seriousness, keeping my fingers busy is the best thing for me when I’m anxious, and it’s certainly helping now.

            “Always look on the bright side of life!”:whistle:
            When the roses fade, gather the petals and make pot-pouri! 4011E774-B90B-42E7-A450-21690B3865E3.jpeg
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