looks like me and my hubby are set to loose our jobs :0(

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by cattwoman25, Jan 5, 2009.

  1. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    hi all

    not sure if any of you have heard but me and hubby work for wedgwoods :flag:which as from today has gone into administration :(

    we have both been there from school me been 33 and hubby 39 yrs old and well to be honest are in shock !

    we knew it was coming but its such a blow with there been 2 of us about to be out of work unless they can find a buyer

    thing is as anyone else been down this road and have any advice at all if you could spare the time

    we have redudancy cover on our morgage which is a start
    but it looks like we will have to go to the goverment for redundancy pay any ideas on how long it takes to recieve ?

    we have 2 children one aged 4 and one aged 11 so will proberly get a bit more help with tax credits ect

    i have no idea where to start :doh: the idea of having no money scares me to death :help:

    i have no intention of staying out of work and would like to go into the NHS and hubby wants to re-train doing plumbing

    thing is you get alot more help with the co****s while out of work

    i was just wondering if anyone had been in this situation and could offer any advice.

    thanks so much for reading
  2. Pro Gard

    Pro Gard Gardener

    Sep 26, 2007
    Bad luck. Ive never been in your position however i would advise you to go to your CAB and find out what grants etc you are entitled too.

    If your hubby is considering doing one of the six week plumbing courses then this may not be the best idea, most firms want time served and with current unemployment levels in the construction industry they can pick and chose. Id ask over on the screwfix forum before he goes down the 6 week course type route.
  3. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006
    thanks for the info paul

  4. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    I can't advise either, but I was devastated to hear about Waterford-Wedgwood:mad: Fingers crossed for both you and your husband.
  5. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
  6. sweetpeas

    sweetpeas Gardener

    Sep 14, 2008
    Hi catwoman, sorry to hear about your situation.
    I can't help on the government redundancy. CAB will be the best guys for that.
    On the training front the job centre will help with funding and finding courses (all depending on what you want to do next)and even help with childcare costs while your training and or going to job interviews, They can even give you money to get yourself a new suit and shoes. I'd advise you to get in touch with them and get the ball rolling as soon as you can or as soon as you both have dates. Not only will you get tax credits but things like school dinners and milk( for the youngest) and depending on if you 11 year old is in secondary school you'd get clothing vouchers for there uniform( but this would only apply if there due to start in september) but I don't know exactly when they're issued in relation to the school year.
    Good luck to the both of you
  7. capney

    capney Head Gardener

    Jul 9, 2008
    Retired and glad of it.
    York..in gods County of Yorkshire
    I to cannot offer much in way of help apart from moral support via this medium.
    Im sure theres some folk on the forum will have some useful information for you.
    Good luck to both of you, and whatever happens... keep it togeather.
  8. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Oh, catt, so sorry to hear this starting the new year ... I have been watching the news about all this and it's worse when it both of you obviously.

    I'm sorry I can't advise but you are in my thoughts and I wish you both all the best.

  9. roders

    roders Total Gardener

    Feb 26, 2006
    :) Don't panic yet.......It seems they are very optomistic about getting a buyer........
    It would be such a shame.........
    We bought a beautiful Wedgewood Cornucopia dinner service some time ago and I swear food tastes better off it..
    Figers crossed for you both :)
  10. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    I was shocked to hear it too! As roders says..at this time it's looking promising for a buyer,they are a quality company and deserve to continue. Good luck to you all.:)
  11. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :( Oh Catt that is a terrible shock for you all.. I hope like roders said that they are hopefull of finding a buyer..... This must be so devastating for you having both been there since leaving school & made all the harder with children of those ages.... I do hope it all works out well for you.... :thmb:
    Everyone is right in advising you to go & get an appointment with CAB.... :thmb: Also as Sweatpea is saying there is help, go to your local Job centre they have many helpful leaflets telling you how to proceed & people to advise you what you need to do & when.. Re-training is a hard one as after you have done it all it is very hard to find a job as you have no time served as someone has said, but in saying that you will be offered retraining, just think hard what sort before you jump on, research the jobs market locally a bit......

    :thmb: Remember you have many friends on here too.. :wink: Take care...
  12. cattwoman25

    cattwoman25 Gardener

    Apr 22, 2006

    thanks so much for that will have a look

    and thanks for all you kind words

    its lovely of you to take the time and reply

    i do hope someone comes forward to buy us but if that does happen it does'nt say we will still have a job as they might ship it all abroad but who knows

    i can't see it going under as if someone buys it after they can't trade under that name and the product would be worthless thats what makes me think some one will come forward.

    i would really like to get out of there in the future and do something worth while in the NHS i get on really well with people and love to help and just think i could do so much more to help others than sit there wondering if i have a job every day,
    which if someone does buy us i feel will continue

    what a year im having so far you would'nt belive the last 3 weeks

    i gotta tell you as its unreal

    1st my son was really pooly and in bed for 24 hrs and with him only just turning 4 i was really worried

    then 5 days later he had a sickness bug one of them 24 hr things

    i have a stray staffy which we have had 9 weeks ago tomorrow who is sick every morning and i won't even go into the toilet thing !
    anyway new yrs eve she was really ill and the vet told us she had pyometria which kills bitches and she would be lucky to pull through £490 later she is alive and well and i love her to bits but was beside myself thinking she would'nt make it

    my hubbys really selfish parents babysat for us so we could go and see my aunts and uncles in manchester not seen them for 10 yrs soooooooooooooooo hubbys mother got so legless and demanded to go home they left my kids all alone at 11.00 at night my hubby had his father up the wall when we got in so needless to say we all ar'nt speaking now !

    saturday my tap started to leak in the kitchen so hubby fixed it 3.20 am the dog woke us up the pipes had burst off due to the pressure and my kitchen , hall ,bedroom ,bathroom and some of the living room were flooded

    then last night my daughter was up with her head down the toliet been ill

    and now this i tell you im ready throw me sel over the fence :flag:
  13. Anthony

    Anthony Gardener

    Oct 8, 2005
    Hi catwoman.

    I've never been in this situation either so I can only wish you and your husband the best of luck. After paying your dues to the government make sure you claim every single penny you can.

    Wedgewood is one of those companies that should easily find a buyer.

  14. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Hiya cattwoman - I'm really sorry to hear your bad news, and it being on top of all the other rotten things happening in your life it must be a horribly stressful time you're having.

    I've never been in your situation so can't offer anything useful, just to offer hope that someone might rescue Wedgewood. After all the high street chain Whittards was saved after going into administration just before christmas. I would have thought a company with a long history and great name like yours must be a good target and worth saving.

    I would also advise against your hubby doing a plumbing course, the building trade is really suffering right now so it would be very tough to find an opening after the course. There has been lots of people trying to get into plumbing over the last couple of years which is why there are suddenly lots of companies setting up short training courses - anything to do with the building trade is going to be risky for the next year or so in my opinion.

    Are you in a union? - if so they will offer very practical help and advice. If you don't belong to one there is nothing stopping you joining right now, it might be worth the membership fees just for the support they will give you.
  15. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    Oh Catt your last few weeks do seem a nightmare.... Hangin there.... :doh: Families...!! :thumb: HOpefully you will all be well again soon too... Take care..!:)

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