Loss of apples ...

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by ismeval, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. ismeval

    ismeval Gardener

    Jul 20, 2007
    I am only 5 foot 2 and half inches, and my little discovery apple tree only a few inches higher .... however, got lots and lots of flowers this year and lots of baby apples .... until now !!
    I understand the 'June drop' but up to today I have counted 42 dropped apples, ranging from marble size earlier on up to golf ball size now .... I just feel like digging it up and chucking it ... it is sooo disappointing especially as my llittle 6 year old grandson comes every week to count 'his' apples !
    We do still have quite a lot of apples left but will they stay there until big enough to eat ??

    Made big mistake with the carrots and beetroots though ... I always sow a big pot full of carrots every year and also one of beets - I like the 'long' ones as opposed to 'round' ones .... but I didn't thin either of them enough which has resulted in bunches of tiny carots twisted round together and same with beets .... probably have enough good ones for a couple of salads (beets) and a sunday dinner (carrots)

    On a happier note, the raspberry and strawberry bushes are doing well and I get a good handfull every day to eat and they are delicious !

  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Don't dispair Val,

    Its called the "June drop" a natural thinning of the fruit. If the tree grew all the ones that got polinated, its branches would break.:th_redx:
  3. ismeval

    ismeval Gardener

    Jul 20, 2007
    But 42 !!!! such a little tree .... think last year we ended up with about 6 to eat !


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