Loving my veg

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Jangles, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Jangles

    Jangles Gardener

    May 11, 2013
    Morning all, I'm having great fun harvesting my veg- feel a bit like 'Tom and Barbara' from The Good Life. So far we have had some broad beans , don't usually like them , but these were lush !! I had to sort out and get the best bits from the caulis as these didn't do so well. French beans, OOh how I love these. Beetroot OMG !! just the smell of these guys cooking leaves me licking me lips. Didn't do very well with the lettuce. The celery - 1st time growing , we should of piled the earth up around them apperently- shall know for next time. Marrows, courgettes..... Don't talk to me about them!!!, there is only so many ways to cook a courgette!! We got them coming out of our ear holes! The butterflies are having a field day on my cabbages and sprouts , as fast as I'm killing the eggs they are laying them AARRgghh. We have loads of pumpkins coming ready for son's halloween. the butterflies are having a right old go on my nasturtiums, don't think I will bother next year. My carrots look like they have been doing the 'Karma Sutra' underground, very weird , but tasty too. I have some gorgeous Chrysthmums coming - flame orange, big 'uns as well. I am noting the best flowers for my baskets for next year at the minute it looks like Brashycombe- Swan river Daisy are winning- they don't like full sun a lot as those in the sun are going off flower than those in little sun, another lesson.
    My chickens- Sage, popcorn, Kiev, onion, Bluebell,Mrs mcNugget and Mother Clucker have stopped fighting and we are getting 6 eggs from the 7 birds, so well done to them xx.
    Finally .. we have planted the 3 fruit trees, 1 pear, 2 plum in there final places, hoping for an abundance of fruit in a few years time, thats if I'm not too knackered to pick 'em !!
    • Funny Funny x 4
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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Sounds great Jangles, I used to have chickens called Rebok, Skybok & Zybok.
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      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        Brilliant Jangles.....you've done well there:dancy:.....
        1, Get them cabbages covered with some netting:blue thumb:
        2, Carrots may have had some stoney earth to dodge:blue thumb:...
        The chooks are doing well too:dbgrtmb:...your hard work has paid off:yes:
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        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          Well done to you!!! :yay:

          My salad leaves were a bit rubbish this year too, so don't lose heart.

          Courgettes? Freeze them! You can do the same with your chicken eggs too, if you find you can't get through them all - it will also tide you over the winter when they become more sparse. Which type of chickens are they? Pure breeds? Hybrids?

          Keep your fruit trees very well watered: the usual time for planting those are Spring and Autumn but, if you keep them well watered you should be fine.

          Keep up the good work, Jangles. Each year brings different challenges: one year will be fab for salad leaves, another will be worse (and so on for all different types of plantings) so don't become despondent over anything which didn't quite meet your expectations. It's all trial and error and a learning curve we all have to climb at some point (and slide down at other points :heehee: ).

          Great to hear your update though :thumbsup:
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          • Jangles

            Jangles Gardener

            May 11, 2013
            Thanks M,
            My chooks are 4 Rhode Island reds , 1 bluebell and 2....??? white ones ha ha - I forgot what they are called , I'm picking up 3 unwanted ones tomorrow as well now , so I will have 10 in total. I now eat loads of roasted courgettes which are really nice

            Do you know what these ones are called?? It will come to me at 4 in the morning !!

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            • Lolimac

              Lolimac Guest

              White Sussex ?......

              Lovely chooks Jangles:chicken::dbgrtmb:
              • Agree Agree x 1
              • "M"

                "M" Total Gardener

                Aug 11, 2012
                The Garden of England
                I agree with loli: they look like White Sussex to me too.
              • Jangles

                Jangles Gardener

                May 11, 2013
                Picked up the new chicks, We now have a LOLA, PEPPA and DORA. I love LOLA she is all fluffy. I think she may be an Orpington crossed with something else? Any thoughts? P1030132.JPG P1030133.JPG P1030134.JPG
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                • joolz68

                  joolz68 Total Gardener

                  May 16, 2011
                  alfreton uk
                  They are light sussex,pure white is white sussex:) x

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