Lucky Bamboo - stalk yellowing

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by kwertyuk, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. kwertyuk

    kwertyuk Apprentice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2012

    I got a lucky bamboo delivered recently. Within 2 days the end of one stalk had started turning yellow. Apparently if the stalk is turning yellow it means the plant is dead. The company agreed to send a new one and I have just received it. Does anyone know what the cause of the turning yellow could be?

    One thing I noticed is that a previous lucky bamboo I have had some sort of wax or paint over the exposed end of the bamboo stalk. (I assume this may help to prevent moisture escaping but could just be aesthetic). The new lucky bamboo does not have this. Could this be part of the problem? If so how should I go about painting/waxing the exposed end (without being toxic to the plant)?

    I also read that the water used can cause this? I have used tap water for the successful plant I have had for years..

    Another possibility was sunlight.. although I doubt that the winter sun would be strong enough to damage the plant.. especially as it was not directly in the window..

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

    Thank you!!

  2. sal73

    sal73 Total Gardener

    Sep 4, 2011
    Hi Dave ,
    the lucky bamboo is not a bamboo but a dracanea plant , so usually will not take temperature below 7c , that can be the cause of your bamboo getting yellow..... about the wax , is used to stop the plant to get infection , so use a candle wax and seal the end , few drops of hot wax should do the job.
    About the water as it originally from amazon , the plant like rain water and humidity.
    if you decide to grow that in soil it will look like this

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