
Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Fonzie, Mar 25, 2007.

  1. Fonzie

    Fonzie Gardener

    Jan 27, 2007
    South East
    A man with more muscle than brains went for a job as a lumberjack.
    The foreman asked him if he had done lumberjacking before to which the man said no.
    The foreman decided to give him a chance and asked for three trees to be felled and cut into six foot logs in an hour.
    "Remember now", said the foreman, "it must be three trees an hour and no less or I'll have to let you go."
    He left the man to get on with the task ahead.
    An hour later he returned and asked "How many trees have you done?"
    "One". Replied the man.
    "Sorry." Said the foreman. "But I'll have to let you go."
    "But Sir," said the man, " I have five children and a wife to feed. I'm desperate. Please!"
    The foreman felt sorry for him, so decided to give him another chance.
    He returned an hour later and asked if three trees had been delt with as required.
    The man answered in the negative.
    "How many trees have you done then?" Said the foreman.
    "Two Sir." Replied the man.
    "Well, I'm sorry, but three is what I want so you'll have to go." Said the foreman.
    The man began to cry and fell to his Knees begging the foreman for one more chance.
    The foreman taken aback by such a showing of grievance said, "Ok mate, one more chance. I tell you what, maybe your chainsaw is playing up, let me have a look at it."
    He took the saw and pull the cord and the machine burst into life.
    "Christ!" Said the man. "What's that noise?"
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  1. Fonzie

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