I'm almost 50, I sort of enjoy gardening, but can't claim any great competency at it. My back isn't too great though, so gardening is really very good for me. I need an easy garden...!
to GC @jpjeffery lovely to have you join us. "Enjoying" it is half the battle, so well done you're off to a good start For an easy garden, members will need to know a few things about your garden before they will be able to recommend anything suitable. Such as: where you are located (County will do, Country if outside the UK); what type of soil you have; which way your garden 'faces'; does it have any particular issues (e.g. waterlogging, exposed/windy, seaside etc). And if you really, really wanted to give members a treat ... posting a picture of your garden will bring untold joy to some members on here (those who are more visual rather than wordy). If you have back issues, are you considering raised beds? Are you more a shrubs and flowers person, or a fruity/veggy type? Maybe a bit of both? The more you are happy to tell us, the more members will dive in with their advice
Thank you, M. I've posted a more specific question in the 'New Gardeners' forum, (I wasn't really expecting anything other than a 'Hello' here! ), but I'll add in where my house is to that thread.
Welcome to Gardeners Corner jpjeffery. There's a number of members with back issues including myself so you're in good company. Sadly I don't think there is such a thing as an easy garden but there are ways of making life easier while working it.