Magnolia,rhododendron,brown leaves....

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by celine, May 30, 2009.

  1. celine

    celine Apprentice Gardener

    May 30, 2009
    Hi!What can cause brown leaves on my magnolia(it's a new planted one)I have noticed them after very strong wind which last for couple of days.Also my new rhododendron has few dry,brown leaves.Both been planted in good soil(acid for rhododendron)in full sun but magnolia in a quite windy spot.These days as is hot i try to water them everyday but did not noticed any improovment.:scratch:
  2. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hi Celine,

    How much water are you giving them may I ask?-Roughly.
  3. celine

    celine Apprentice Gardener

    May 30, 2009
    Hi Lolipop!Thanks for asking.I water them everyday if it's hot or sunny.And i don't if it's rains.In the past i might have missed one watering or two.Camellia is in a very dry sunny after 12 am spot.A lso magnolia planted in a sunny place plus very,very windy sometimes!Magnolias leaves look like somebody burn them with the lighter,dry ends which come off.
    Thanks again for asking!
    O,and i water them generously at least half a can for camelia(3 liters)same for rhododendron,or even more.
  4. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    It depends on the size of plant, plus I forgot to ask if they are in the ground or a pot?

    Going from what you describe it does sound like they are not getting enough water-they would need quite a lot of water if they have gone into dry soil, but it is difficult to visualise. Can you post up a pic of the damaged parts of the plants possibly?-If not, don't worry, personally I would give them a good drenching in the evening when the sun has gone off them ( that way the water doesn't evaporate off during the day)
  5. celine

    celine Apprentice Gardener

    May 30, 2009
    Hi there,thanks for your help.Few pics to find out wether is something wrong with my rhododendron.
    Oh,and is in the ground with acid soil.
  6. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Hi again Celine,

    It has been damaged-but I'm not entirely sure all the brown marks are due solely to dehydration. The leaf curling definitely is.

    Can I ask you about when you planted the rhoddie. Did you rough it up a bit-ie tease some of the roots out. Sometimes when you get them fresh from the GC they are so compacted that you can have a hard time getting the rootball moist enough and encourage the roots to strive for the surrounding soil. How long ago did you plant it? If it wasn't so long ago then I personally would dig it back up to loosen that rootball up and then replant it again. It might be better to get this right straight off now whilst it is still fresh in the ground.

    It is dehydrated though, so whether you dig it back up or not it needs a helluva lot more water than it is getting-that and it has been dry this year generally. I personally would turn the hose onto the soil under it for an hour-I live in a soft water area so low in calcium tap water ( hard water areas have T.water that is alkali-which rhoddies don't like) but I think in these circumstances it would hate thirst more than a slightly alkali water-and I would probably do it tonight. Not gushing out just like a tap running kind of pressure to allow it chance to absorb into the soil and get to the roots.

    If you have them then perhaps it would be worth considering sprinkling in some of those water retaining granules too-I am only thinking that it is the 1st of June tomorrow which technically should mean more hot and dry weather.
  7. celine

    celine Apprentice Gardener

    May 30, 2009
    Hi!Thanks i will water and water it.I planted it on 10 of April this year.
  8. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    I'm sure it will perk back up Celine. Once established they are great plants.

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