Grrrr, rant coming up so if you're of an easy going nature please look away now. What is it with people these days and their lack of manners? How hard is it to say "please" or "thank you" when you ask a question, or are after something? It infuriates me when people ask for help and don't ask nicely or when you've helped them, they don't thank you afterwards and that includes people in all walks of life, including forums! Rant over .... and breathe
Good manners are a statement of who and what YOU are. They are not something you owe to other people. They are what you owe yourself.
Incivility has become very commonplace and I think says a lot about how people view themselves and their fellow humans. Very sad, bloody annoying, and a new low in society.
Oh come on now, there are a lot of polite people out there. It's just that the ignorant, rude, selfish, ungrateful and impolite people stand out more just by their actions. As my Mum used to say "Courtesy cost nothing"
. I can just hear my mum "What's that little word that is missing?" This was after I had said"Can I have one of those ?" Similarly, after you had received a gift,however small, "What do you say Jennifer?" in a tone that reminded you of the necessity of the word THANK YOU. Taught early in life, it automatically stays with you I think. Sadly,I feel not so many parents can be bothered nowadays
Brits are still very big on please and thank you compared to other nationalities. I once knew a German woman who thought our preccupation with such civilities was a bit bonkers. 'You English, you are mad,' she said. 'You even say: would you please treetreetreetree off'. It's true. We still say please even when we're telling someone exactly where they can go.
My son is 2 in 7 weeks and he already knows please and thankyou, and in the right context. If there is no please there is no getting what he has asked for, no thankyou and it gets taken away until there is one. It is very rare that there is no please and thankyou. As my Grandad used to say to me when i was younger 'Manners cost nothing, but can make someones day'. I think you are right a lot of parents have no manners so who is going to teach the children.
I had a maths & english teacher at school she was a tiny little thing only about 4' 6" tall. She used to stand on a little chair to check the erring scholars. She used to say I do not care whether you do well in maths or english but I will have Manners. Manners maketh Man as she wrapped knuckles with a hard ruler! We were in awe of her and respected her more than a lot of other teachers. But she had a decent lot of scholars leaving the school with manners.
depends how you were brought up ... I'm old fashioned ... so always say please and thanks ... My mom even taught us (me and my 2 brothers), to always say no thank you if someone offered something the 2nd time around (like when visiting family or friends, and the woman offers a 2nd slice of cake ... you say no thank you) .... that was a dumb rule ...I've always had a sweet tooth I have taught my children likewise and can say that all 3 are well mannered some countries have different cultures ... In Cambridge, we get them all, as there are over 35 colleges ... most are not being rude by not saying thank you or please .... it's just the way their culture works some don't even believe in standing in a bus queue .... they just push in the front when the bus doors open ... they don't look bothered, so I suppose thats what they do back home
And that is where immigrants are dumbing down our great British society and if they don't learn the ways of the Brits then the whole society is going to go to the dogs. I could weep!
Ooh Moyra I had one of those & her name was Mrs. Dyson..!!! Sounds just like her, did yours have redish auburn hair..??