I'm flower fan - there are from 800 to 1000 varieties of flowers in my garden... Some of miscellaneous (microbulbs): Tulips:
Vivasvat you have many beautiful specimens your dedication shines through a truly wonderful collection.:gnthb:
Beau-ti-ful, Vivasvat :gnthb: I love bearded Irises but unfortunately never have much luck with them. Kandyfloss here on GC has nice shows of them too. The daylily, middle bottom row, is very interesting with the frilly center. You must have a huge garden to have so many different flowers, hope you will show us more Welcome to GC, nice to have you on board.
:gnthb: Wow Vivasvat you really do have some wonderful blooms there, a true plantsman I think..! Some I am not familiar with, like the frilly Day Lily Kedi mentioned...:D Do you have a large garden or do you use allot of pots..?? Thanks for sharing they are beautiful...!!:thumb:
I have only 0,4 hectar - 4000 square meters, and I can use for the flowers only about 2500 square meters. It is to small place for me, and I hope, at the nearest future I shall buy about 2 hectares...
I would imagine Vivasvat that with your climate you have to lift the Gladiolus bulbs and keep them inside during winter. That is a stunning collection you have.:gnthb: