I'm 19 years old and have an allotment for the last 6 years!!! Please take a second to look at my new blog I have started recently on wordpress. http://matsallotment.wordpress.com/ What do you guys think?? Any criticism would actually be welcomed. Thanks
Hi Mat, welcome to Gardeners Corner. The layout of your website is very impressive and I enjoyed reading it. One or two members have chickens so swapping advice on their upkeep will be handy for you. How did Ma and Pa react when they came home from their hols? A lot of knowledge in GC so help yourself, Jenny namaste
Hi Mat! Nice one! There's a few people on here who recycle things too and have been known to rummage through a skip or two. As you say it's eco friendly and best of all FREE! Hope you enjoy GC. Oh, if you haven't figured it out yet, they're a bunch of nutters on here.......
Thanks, it only has a very basic layout I'm glad u enjoyed reading it!! :D I'm looking forward to getting some free advice!! still getting to grips with this site, its my first forum!! was really shocked, my parents werent really fussed tbh!! well atleast for now! thanks again, Matt
having them on your side is MORE than half the battle, Matt. It took me quite a while to find my way around this Forum but it will get easier. So much knowledge here together with plenty of goodwill too,
Cool links; so I guess there is definitely a mix of people using this site!! recycling doesn't have to be trampy, at least for me its quite cool :D
And what a battle it was; my dad has a van, but i had to spend a whole day transporting all my materials using my bike :/