You must have heard about the Presidential Elections in the USofA. So what do you reckon. I think Obama has virtually killed McCain off with this latest tour. The publicity he has achieved has been a tremendous propaganda exercise, the timing was perfect and too much for the Republicans to combat. But that's only my opinion...whats yours?
He seems to have the following but will we really see a black President:confused:...I'm worried there may be another Dallas type incident!
I am beginning to like him. He avoided uttering that stupid phrase SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP WITH BRITAIN. We have never had one with the yanks and never will.:rolleyes:
I think we have had one with them. Not so sure they have had one with us. But it manages to keep our governments thinking we are still a world power, if we tag along with them. Thus, a special relationship. I dont think, and this is just a personal thought, that the general public in the US are particually wide thinking. To them the US is the centre of the universe and apart from protecting their interests in certain parts of the world, they take no interest. Sometimes I think we should perhaps be a bit similar. But one thing you cannot fault the US on is foreign aid in an emergency, they seem to be there long before Europe has s c r a p e d up a plane to fly it in.
I watched Chris Rock on telly once and he pretty much nailed it, America is the only nation in the world that hunts on a full stomach. Individual Americans always impress me on a personal level, its as a collective it all go downhill. And they don`t really appreciate how much animosity the rest of the world bears towards them. Insofar as taking a wider interest, they do if Oprah tells them to. One last thing-there is no way on Gods green earth will a black man, or a woman be President of the USA in my lifetime. Lenin would resurrect and get voted in first.