Hi all As some of you may know,Mrs Pal lost her Mum last year,well she has been sorting out all manner of things as I'm sure you can imagine. Thing is,we have found a collection of WW11 German medals and have no idea what they are or their worth. I have been browsing the net and got a little info but we wondered if anyone in here has knowledge of such things. I have of course got a pic but thought I'd ask before posting it,I wouldn't dream of offending any soul.
I wouldn't have thought anyone would be overly offended after 60 odd years Pal. Maybe somebody who lost loved ones in the war could be upset but if they are really going to be upset they should just stay clear. It's not that you want to post pictures of dead soldiers, which you can get on TV any day. I for one would be interested to see them although I don't know anything about medals.
OK..I've run it passed the Top man and he says yes. As well as the medals we also have a plate made by the makers who made Hitlers silver ware. Here they are then.. The name would be the owner,the maker was WELLNER. I do hope you are all fine with this.
My Goodness Pal, what a collection. They are all in such good condition as well. I would imagine a collector would be very interested in them. Especially worldwide. Have you been anywhere with them & had them valued? Maybe the War Museum or even the Churchill Cabinet War Rooms Museum.. http://cwr.iwm.org.uk/ could help you.. Splendid collection, mind boggles as to why she would have them though.. :D
We do know the blue & white ribbon bottom left carried the Gold Mothers Medal. I have it, but 'someone' had it fitted with a loop and chain and even wore it once, until I spotted it! :rolleyes:
:D Hmmmm.. Think I might email the war museum people, they point you in the right direction if nothing else..
Great and interesting collection Pal. As Marley says the War Museum could probably advise. And do let us know when you become a millionaire through selling them! :D
I have mailed a couple of sites and one offered �£450 for the lot. Yesterday I ID'd No 14,the 'KRIM'(Crimea)1941/42 medal and it was priced at �£300 alone!! In the past few hours I think I have been able to name a few others..including an Iron Cross 2nd Class...�£150.