meet my dawgs

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by dandilion, May 9, 2008.

  1. dandilion

    dandilion Apprentice Gardener

    May 9, 2008

    meet my dawgs anie is the bearded lady,a most beloved rescue and very very faithful girl,and odin aka bod coz hes a very odd bod is the saffy x..
    love em both to bits and cant imagin life without them but ya know they are a royal pain in the butt when im trying to get a halfway decent garden what with pooping and digging and chewing up stuff all over the place:):):)
  2. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    They look a right pair of loveable rascals Dandy!
  3. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Hi Jo,

    I've just been catching up with 'you' cos it takes me awhile you know:D

    Anyway, i think your dogs look like right little tearaways. You can see it in their eyes - 'come on' they're saying;)

    Don't know how you're going to cope with the garden what with the kids, dogs etc:eek:

    Wouldn't panic too much though, at least at the moment everyone can use it (alright maybe 'use it' isn't very good as far as the dogs are concerned):D

    Can't offer much advice Jo, cos only been on here a year (yes i know i ought to have learned something by now!) & only have a small garden. I wish you every success. Please keep the photo's coming & like as has been said, you will get lots of very good advice on here.

    Sorry to go off topic abit on the pets thread.


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