Mice in the garden. Problem?

Discussion in 'Wildlife Corner' started by clueless1, Jun 17, 2011.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Good evening all.

    Mice live in my back garden. So far none in the house fortunately.

    Apart from if I wanted to grow peas or beans (which I will be next year), is this a problem?

    I've seen one a few times. Possibly the same one each time, possibly different ones, I don't know. They are tiny little things, smaller than most mice I've seen. Very dark brown/grey fur. I don't know what type they are.

    They/he/she is getting quite confident, and is increasingly at ease when we're there. Its a source of great amusement for my little son so if they're doing no harm I want to leave them be.

    Is there any reason to be concerned?

    Oh, and I've noticed that they spend a lot of time popping in and out of the gaps between a pile of bricks I have stacked up out the way, having not yet got round to using them. The pile of bricks has to be moved fairly soon to make way for a path through the planned flower bed. If I move the bricks, which may be their home, will they just find somewhere else safe to hide out?
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    As far as I know, mice don't carry disease the same way rats do. We shared the conversion with over 300 of them, they were everywhere as we had no way of keeping them out. Had one crawl the length of my arms under the pillow in bed once.

    Only got i'll once during the whole project and that was with swine flu, don't think I got that from the mice.

    If you move the bricks & come across a nest, leave it for a while to give them a chance to re locate.

    I keep finding mouse and vole nests in the hollow bits in Heiras fence feet blocks, its just the right size for them.
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