
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by geckoman, Apr 10, 2008.

  1. geckoman

    geckoman Gardener

    Mar 3, 2007
    just a quick rant really
    yesterday when i went to water my daughters stripy cattipiller plants in one of them plastic greenhouses(do not ask never seen them before she just liked the name and planted them herself)
    shes only 9 lol :D
    sorry back to the rant anyway went to water the new shoots and all the ****** tops had been chewed off?
    first thoughts was slugs but why leave the tops in the pot??
    next thought mice so out came the trap and a bit of chocolate went out this morning and guess what a nice little fat mouse dead
    how the hell it got in there i have no clue???
    simmo 1

    mice nil
    :D :D :D

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