Here's the spooky thing. I've never (to my recollection) heard of mimulus before last night, when I was fast asleep, in dreamland. In this dream I was being chased by some very powerful people. I escaped to mimulus Remembering that one name, I googled it. Its quite a pretty flower. I might see about growing some next year
They're a nice little flower Clue...i always used to grow them...AKA Monkey Flowers...are you sure it was Planet Mimulus and not planet of the Apes.... They were said to look like Monkeys faces but it's not as obvious to me these days....mind you Pansies always looked to have happy faces but they to me most seem to be scowling
You might have looked at this thread in the past Clue, Maybe it stuck in your head like it did mine
I grow the Mimulus Guttatus by my pond beautiful plant but omg it self seeds everywhere round and in the pond given a chance, I have turf round the edges of the pond and in summer its just a mass of these yellow flowers.