I never went there expecting to find this! The gardens are small but full of Sub-Tropical plants...and this was the only pic I took...battery ran out
Nice pic paladin, is this that theatre in Cornwall? If so when I went there all I saw was a wind swept cliff, didnt see any gardens.
Hi Pete. The gardens are a recent feature and I saw at least three chaps tending them. In fact one was replanting to replace plants stolen by visitors!...Like the one middle left on my first pic. This is what we actually went to see
Good gracious what is that - it looks almost like a Cornish version of Petra. BTW - welcome back. I trust you had a restful holiday.
Yes, thats it paladin, 60 mile an hour gale, drizzle, low cloud and freezing cold, But then I went in June, suppose I should have gone in the summer. :D
Fantastic pics Paladin of a fantastic place. To think an old lady built most of it with her bare hands puts my groaning at digging a border in its place!!
Hi Paladin, great photos! I haven't been to the Minack theatre for years either, looks very different. Your cottage looked really great, I love Sennen cove, lovely curve of beach often empty when I used to go.
Our cottage is at the upper end of the row. Glad we don't have to climb up to the white one...those aren't steps, it's an electric rail track , to carry up heavy stuff.!! Sennen Beach.