Missing label on seeds

Discussion in 'Identification Area' started by Comber gardener, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. Comber gardener

    Comber gardener Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 19, 2007

    Anyone any ideas what this is?
    I grow a lot from seeds and unfortunately the label has become separated from this batch - they are quite quick growers - these would have been sown I think around the beginning of 2007. There are 2 types of leaves - oval shaped and serrated ones. The plants haven't flowered as yet so no clues there, although it looks as if the flowers are going to be spikes. The stems are purplish. I think I sowed about 300 different types of seeds in the last year, so it could be anything.
    Hoping that some of you knowledgable gardeners can help me out. Many thanks.

    Back to potting and the perpetual slug hunt.

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