Missing Photos

Discussion in 'Photography Talk' started by Kandy, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Everyone,

    I don't know if anyone can help me with my problem.

    Yesterday afternoon I went down to our sports field to our village fun day and took my Fuji camera with me to take some photos of the Birds of Prey that were there.Anyway,as I was walking round a lady approached me and said that the photographer who was supposed to be taking photos of the fun day hadn't turned up and would I take some photos of the events going on so that a Collage could be made to show people how the fun day went,and she said she would call round in the week to see what photos I had taken and pick out what would be suitable.

    I spent the next couple of hours taking photos of everything and anything for her.Anyway,at 4pm my card was full so headed for home.I took the memory card out of the camera plus my batteries to recharge them.

    I got our Universal card reader and fitted the memory card into the appropiate slot and conected it to the lap top that I had restarted.After about 30 seconds I was just left with a blank screen and the little Finepix box that usually comes up along the bottom hadn't appeared.I pulled out the USB cable thinking I might have put the memory card in the wrong slot but realised that it only fitted in the one hole.I fitted the cable back into the machine and this time it started going through the process so I thought I had solved the problem.After the laptop took two photos off of the card reader a box came up and said File not recognised and it aborted the download.I rebooted computer and tried again.This time it took off quiet a few of the photos from the memory card before it did exactly the same thing so in the end I removed the card reader and thought i would wait until Mr Kandy was able to have a look at it...

    Now this is where the problem comes in. This afternoon, Mr K tried to put the photos from the memory card onto the lap top again using the same card reader and it came up again with this file not recognised,so he thought I must be running out of disc space so deleted a load of old files that were duplicated and not needed.After several attempts with the card reader it appeared that everything was ok and all the problem was,was that the USB cable was no longer doing it's job properly so he has thrown that one away and has fitted a newish one that he had spare upstairs.

    I have sat here going through the photo's and turning the ones that needed putting right and getting rid of a few blurred ones.When I got to the end,i realised that there is a lot of the photos missing from off of the memory card.:scratch::cnfs: I put the card from the card reader into my camera and sure enough an hours worth of photo's {Don't know the qty} have vanished off of the memory card and we can't find them.

    I had a angry discussion with Mr Kandy and he swears that he hasn't deleted any of the photos off of the memory card,but I know that I have not touched them and the only thing he can think of is that when the card reader was attached to the laptop it must have been shorting out somehow at the connection point and has deleted the now missing photos.
    If this is correct,is there somewhere I can take the memory card to get the lost photos retrieved because there are some good ones that I want to send to a friend in the village that she can use as advertising for her therapy buisness and I want to give the lady coming round in the week all the photo's so that she can use the ones she wants.

    Sorry this post is a bit long and I hope you can understand what I am trying to say and can give me some advice as to what we can do to retreive these photos,if anything

    Thanks Kandy:)
  2. lollipop

    lollipop Gardener

    Jun 26, 2008
    Someone deleted the files-otherwise they would still be there.

    Your photo card is a simplified I pod-shorting out doesn't erase pics-you must manually erase them.

    If I was Mr Kany-I would be finding something to do that takes me out of the house.
  3. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Lollipop,this is nearly causing a divorce in this house and I am not happy and was nearly in tears I can tell you.I am so ANGRY.I hate it when he just deletes files because he is deleting all this years photos.I usually download them onto the laptop and then Mr Kandy takes the cards and reader upstairs and puts them onto the computer upstairs and on to external hard drives so that we have got copies of copies of copies,but we hadn't even got that far with them.

    At the end of the day it will be my fault and I will have to live with it.But I know that I didn't delete anything off of the memory card while it was in the camera.Mr Kandy said he just deleted duplicate photos off of the computer when he was trying to make some more disc space and when I asked him what he was doing, as usual he got angry with me and told me to go away and leave him to it.:mad:
  4. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    :scratch: Very strange as I have a big Fuji & never had a problem like that...
    OK Kandy.. You are sure you're camera was set on the proper setting I am sure when you took the pics & when you tried to download...? The settings can accidentally be changed somewtimes & in our deep concentration to take the pics we don't notice.! ?
    Hmm thought you would have it set right..:thmb:

    Next thing I would do is install your Finepix software to download your pics & see if that makes any difference... Sometimes downloaders can fail....!
    If you are sure you have seen the pics that are now not there.. i.e. in the download process the 1st time you tried, then I would say that somehow they have been deleted... Or the camera did not take them for some reason... You are sure you had no message come up as you were focusing to take the pics to say there was something not right..? Settings etc..?:scratch: Oh dear Kandy how awful for you....! I am sure they will be there somewhere, try your Finepix software... You can uninstall it if it makes no difference... I do have to say I use both my Finepix & Canon software to download my pics now & not a multi downloader.... Hope you sort it quickly, whatever it is..:)
    :wink: You know Kandy people can very cross when someone points out a mistake they didn't realise about...... Then do all of sudden & get very angry with the nearest...!!!! What is it they say... The truth hurts...! :flag:
  5. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Marley,

    The memory card I used was a H2gb Fujifilm xD-Picture Card and I already had a few photo's on it of garden and fruit and veg and as Mr Kandy has been so busy with work problems to sort out he hasn't had time to put them on the external hardrive so rather than delete them and start with a clean card so to speak I just started using the same card never expecting to be asked to take the photos.I only intended getting the Bird Of Prey ones which thankfully I have got.

    I set the camera like I usually do on Automatic and then used Macro for the close up shots of the birds and people.There was even a dog utility event so got some good photos of some of the spaniels etc.Apart from those two things and the dleting of a couple of blurred photos at the end to make a space for a couple of more shots when the camera showed the memory card was full I did nothing else.To delete the whole card I would have needed to have gone into the menu and reformatted the whole card and I was feeling too hot and bothered to do that on a sports field.

    I am sure that when the card reader or the laptop was playing up I just clicked on cancel when the pop up came to say it had aborted the process.It usually comes up with Finepix and It said that there was over 600 photo's but it aborted after a few hundred which are the ones I can see,but I jsut don't know where the others are because they are not on the memory card now and Mr Kandy thinks the camera has put the photos for some unknown reason onto two folders within the camera but I never told the camera to do that and wouldn't have a clue anyway.

    I saw some of the missing photos yesterday but can't remember whether that was on the camera,I suspect it was because I never tried again with the card reader when the problem started.

    Marley I have just asked Mr K and he said we do use the Finepix software,that is how I get the photos from the card with the card reader onto the computer.Nothing at all came up to tell me I had it on the wrong settings.The only problem I had a couple of times was that the camera wouldn't focus on the girls doing their display in the arena and I just put that down to it being too bright for the camera setting{Automatic}.Not all of them were like that just a couple.

    I think it will always be a mystery,unless I put Mr K on a Plygraph machine to get the truth out of him about those deleted files....but then aagain if he had deleted any off of the camera by formatting it would have deleted the whole card and not just a few....

    Thanks for your help:)
  6. Daisies

    Daisies Total Gardener

    May 26, 2005
    Of course, you do know that those cards can become corrupted just like any other device? I had one that got corrupted last year - had to bin it. [​IMG]
  7. glenw

    glenw Gardener

    Oct 10, 2006
    Kandy---- DON'T try taking photo's on the card again, they can usually be recovered even if you or mr Kandy has accidentally deleted them.
  8. glenw

    glenw Gardener

    Oct 10, 2006
    I have a program that I have successfully used to recover photo's that both myself and my dad have accidentally deleted. I'll find the name out for you if you like?? I downloaded it a few years back, I had to pay for a 'key' to use it but it was only about £10 I think. I'm sure there are free programs available too, maybe someone on here will know where from. As I said in my last post though, DON'T take anymore photo's on the card as they will overwrite the ones you want to recover, loosing them forever.
  9. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Daiseesno I didn't realise about the card being corrupted.It was a brand new one I bought as an extra one on holiday last year and it has been alright up to yet

    Glen I have taken the card and chucked it on the telephone table and I am definetley not going to use it.I don't even trust the camera now or Mr Kandy:(:D

    Mr Kandy thinks it was afualty connection with the USB lead on the card reader because when he waggled it about this afternoon sometimes it was ok and was doing it's job and the next minute a box would come up saying that the folder{sorry I think I keep saying file} wasn't recognised which we have never had before so couldn't understand what was going wrong.:scratch::cnfs:

    This Bxxxxxy computer has never been the same since I had those virus's a few months back and we had anti virus stuff on at the time and have added even more since then as well.Could there still eb something lurking in the background?

    Any information that anyone can suggest will be greatfully received.:)
  10. Doogle

    Doogle Gardener

    May 8, 2009
    It sounds like it's not the USB cable / Card Reader since you can't see the missing photos when you look on the Camera.

    When attached to the Computer, to Windows, the memory card looks and behaves like a Hard Disk. You could try running chkdsk /R which will check it and attempt to repair any bad sectors.

    To run it:
    Attach the memory card via the USB cable.
    Remember the drive letter that Windows allocates to it (eg "E")
    On XP: click the Start button and in "run" type: command.com
    On Vista: go to All Programs -> Accessories and click on Command Prompt
    In the new window that opens type: chkdsk <drive letter> /R
    eg. chkdsk E /R (if windows allocated it as drive E)
    It should run through quite quickly and will report if it's found any corruption and whether it has fixed it.
    When it's finished, on XP type Exit, to close the window, on Vista just close the window
    Run your Photo software and see if the missing pictures have returned.

    (If they have, then nip down to the local Butcher and purchase the biggest steak they have, return home, and cook it for Mr Kandy, if they haven't, then get the steak anyway, Mr Kandy might need it to bring out the bruising:hehe::hehe: )

    A word of warning, since Windows treats the memory card like a Hard Disk, it's important to make sure you stop the device before disconnecting it from the computer. Even though you're only reading from the card, windows and / or your Photo Application may write some temporary files to it. Interrupting that, by removing the device, may cause corruption.

    To safely stop the device; double click on the "Safely Remove Hardware" icon which you will find in the list of icons on the bottom right hand corner of the screen, somewhere near the time. A window will pop up showing you a list of connected USB 'disk' devices, click on the drive that has been allocated to the Card Reader and then click Stop. Windows will then stop the device and tell you when it's safe to remove it. (Make sure that it's not still in use by any programs otherwise Windows will not be able to stop it)

    This procedure should also be followed before disconnecting USB Pen Drives.
  11. glenw

    glenw Gardener

    Oct 10, 2006
  12. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    kandy so sorry to hear this, as you know i have a fuji like yours and never had that problem are the pictures still in your camera or did they get deleted as when the box appears something comes up saying delete pics from camera and i dont click on that like to keep the pics on my camera in case something happens, i use my usb lead, do hope you can find them pics its very upsetting good luck in retrieving them
  13. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Doogle I didn't have a chance to show your post to Mr K as he was getting ready for work but I will show him tonight when he has settled down a bit after work.I think I may have been at fault because I panicked when the pop up came and started saying the word abort and pulled the USB lead out of the slot thinking there was something going wrong with the car reader.I usually wait until I have the pop up to say safe to remove hardware,but didn't realise that by me pulling out the cable could cause problems.This is the first time this has ever happened and usually I just plug the car reader into the computer,follow the instructions and off I go....

    Glen,Thanks for the link.I have had a quick look at it and I think it will be worth paying to get the photo's back.I will show it to Mr K tonight and will let him sort it out as I am not a computer whizz.:D

    Hi Rosa,when I put the memory card into the camera and turn on the only photo's that are there are the ones up to 3pm.All the ones after that time have vanished.When my card is full,I slot it into the card reader,plug it into the laptop,download the photo's onto the laptop where they stay for however long I want them on there or unless Mr K deletes them.
    He takes the full card with the card reader upstairs to the desktop computer and then after putting them on the upstairs computer,he goes through them deleting any that are blurred etc,he then downloads them onto an external hard drive that he bought last year.Once that has been done either I or he goes into the menu mode and finds the bit where they are forematted{deleted off of the card}I then have the card/s all clear ready for taking the next batch of photo's.

    Is this similar to what you do with yours?:)
  14. rosa

    rosa Gardener

    May 26, 2006
    hi kandy i dont take the memory card out of my camera i connect the usb lead to the fuji then my hard drive then windows box comes up to download pics i click on it and it uploads my pics then it says how many has loaded then i type in what to call them then they all come up into windows gallery, something also comes up on that box do i want to delete pics i dont tick it cos all my pics would be deleted off my camera after they upload, iff your pics vanish off you camera that box must of been ticked.
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Hi Rosa,No I just do the above in my last post.I have just found a flap on my camera that shows where leads can be fitted but have never used them because on my Kodak camera I don't think there is anywhere for the leads to go.

    One of the members on here recommended the card reader when I was using the Kodak and all I do is slot the memory card into the Universal card reader and follow the instructions.It is what I have got used to using over the last three years.

    I will let Mr K sort it out when he has got the time as I am not touching it any more:D

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