mixing climbing plants?

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Keinnaf, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. Keinnaf

    Keinnaf Gardener

    Feb 7, 2011
    we have loads of places in the garden where we could have climbing plants, an advantage to pretty much starting from scratch here although expensive to do so.

    I really want to have some honeysuckle somewhere because it reminds me of my childhood. anything with flowers and which is quite hardy will be fine for most of the places. What I would like to have is all year round flowers/colour and I saw a winter jasmine the other day in the garden centre which I thought would be a nice balance with the summer flowering things but was wondering if it would work to plant a winter one close to a summer one and let them grow togetherish?
  2. rossco

    rossco Gardener

    Feb 5, 2006
    head gardener/estate manager
    you treat the winter and summer Jasmine differently and as is their nature they will climb through each other, and you wont be able to tell which is which...the winter one you trim back after flowering so it can produce new growth to flower on, the summer one i do after flowering at the end of summer, so if they were both intertwined you would be cutting off the new growth of the summer flowering one when you trimmed the winter one..You could plant some climbing roses and have clematis climbing though, or just some montana clematis on there own for early flowers[hr]
    honeysuckle really is best on its own as they can be quite vigorous, but great up a wall. dont forget though that you will need some form of supports ie wires for them to grab on to as they wont adhere to the walls themselves, and i would certainly steer away from ivy, although very nice they can do damage to walls in the long term
  3. Keinnaf

    Keinnaf Gardener

    Feb 7, 2011
    thank you Rossco - I did think it was unlikely to be as simple as I had hoped! will make a note of that thanks. the honeysuckle I was thinking about putting over an arbour seat thing with a trellis arch over it. I thought that way I could enjoy the lovely smell.

    I am taking down ivy. my husband is a bit surprised because to him it just covers things up nicely but I really dislike it. sadly it seems quite hard to get rid of completely as it keeps coming back but fingers crossed.

    I never realised there were as many different types of clematis until I started looking into it.

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