Moles on the allotment

Discussion in 'Allotments Discussion' started by moonraker, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. moonraker

    moonraker Gardener

    Jan 16, 2012
    Evening all,
    Ive just had a phone call from an ex-pat that now lives here in france but they did live in northern ireland and he's found these mounds in his lawn and has asked if i'd tell him via this thread! what to do.(he prints tips off this thread)

    He did ask if these mounds are caused by worms?????????:loll:

    Billy, No they're not worms exactly but your near to the problem,

    But i do know that in ireland you dont have a pest known as a MOLE!
    so what im going to do is tomorrow write a good long blog on this page all about Moles, how they live, what they eat, the good ways to get rid of them And the waste of time devices that are on the market,

    And one of the victorian devices used by the gardeners of those times and how to use such a device, & a bit of humour thrown in.

    So if like my new friend Billy from Antrim northern ireland,

    " you'd" like to know a little more than you do now about moles?
    Read on tomorrow,

    It will be a long write up because Moles have a lot to be said about.
    See you all tomorrow.:thumbsup:
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    I used to take a plug out of a new run, wait for em to sense the pressure change & come along to see what was going on, grab em & put em in a metal bucket.

    Keep your fingers away from the business end though.
  3. kernowdreamer

    kernowdreamer Gardener

    Feb 10, 2012
    x staff nurse.
    USA. planting zone 7a
    I wish I knew the answer,mole city in my garden. I'm in the country and the property is flanked by fields. Some one told me plant Castor bean plants,cant do that ,really toxic. Then there is the vibrating windmill thingies,I don't think they work that well as you see the windmill then mole hills all around it. I'm at a loss ,I just put up with them. Its the voles that come behind the moles that tick me off,eaters of my root veg.As for catching one,once only,it ran up my arm ,never doing that again.
  4. Naylors Ark

    Naylors Ark Struggling to tame her French acres.

    Oct 15, 2009
    Indre, France

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