mountain stream liner

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by cambo, May 13, 2006.

  1. cambo

    cambo Apprentice Gardener

    May 13, 2006

    i'm currently building a mountain stream in my garden (project that has been ongoing since last summer!) and have finally got to the stage where i've shaped the stream from cement and has set very nicely to run into a splash pool.

    i have a large piece of butel(sp?) liner that i intend to cut down and line the stream with. the only trouble is i need to hold the liner in place, unfortunately rocks won't do the job. i wondered if i could use some cement to hold the liner in place... or will the lime/chemicals in the cement in time eat away at the liner?

    can anyone suggest something suitable to use if cement is no good? the stream is about 3 metres in length.

  2. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Hi cambo,
    I've not built one of these so I cant speak from experience, but I think its usual to hold the liner in place with stones and large gravel to give the effect of a stream bed.
    I dont think I would have formed the stream from concrete, I would have layed the liner on the soil and weighted it down with rocks.
    However now you are at this stage you could buy some of that water proofer for concrete from a pond shop, and coat the concrete with that. Avoids using the liner at all.
    Btw, I dont think cement has any detremental effect on butyl liners, it is however not good for a pond when fresh and needs to be treated with another chemical to make it safe and stop the lime leaching out.

    [ 14. May 2006, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: pete ]
  3. chkm8

    chkm8 Gardener

    May 4, 2006
    Why not paint the concrete with G4. Usually takes about 4 coats and is available in black or clear. It is totally waterproof and is used to seal concrete ponds so a stream should be no problem plus you wont have creases from the liner to worry about.


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