Mr Duski Dog

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by manderson60, Aug 27, 2007.

  1. manderson60

    manderson60 Gardener

    Aug 13, 2007
    I am just finding my way about and discovered the pets thread. What a wonderful idea.
    This is Duski Dog. He will be 12 on 31 December. For a labrador I realise this is a very good age. In the last six months he has become totally deaf and has had a very bad infection. However he is getting used to being deaf and has as much of a lust for life as he ever had. Duski is my first dog. In theory he was bought for my husband and daughter - I was a cat lover. I am just amazed how much unconditional love a dog gives. He is very easily pleased, loves to lie in the garden under a bush and is so special. What ever would we do without our pets. [​IMG]
  2. accidentalgardener

    accidentalgardener Gardener

    Jul 13, 2007
    Hi Marion,

    Duski Dog looks lovely :D , i work with dog's all day most days (I think i have a picture of my Arnie Dog in pets corner somewhere), also Linda has done a water colour of him in lindarosa's pet portraits :D

    Oh and.......welcome :D :cool:
  3. tiggs&oscar

    tiggs&oscar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2007
    Hello Marion,

    What a handsome chap and looking great for an 11 year old, you would never guess. My eldest cat is 14/15 (adopted so not entirely sure) but still scampers about chasing the others and is just as healthy and happy.

    Also, I love that beautiful Winter snow photograph.

    TO [​IMG]
  4. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    I think the black labs are the best. We rehomed a black lab and when he died last year he must have been 14 or 15 years old. Smashing dog and as you say a real lust for life. All the labs we know are great dogs. My German shepherd bitch regularly plays with a couple of boy labs. If you get in the way you just get flattened as they charge around.
    Your dog looks a really friendly dog. The way he is "smiling" with his tongue out reminds me of how Duke used to look. Duke was a PAT dog ie. a hospital visiting dog. This is him looking noble.
  5. manderson60

    manderson60 Gardener

    Aug 13, 2007
    Thank you for all the lovely replies. Duke does look very like Duski Dog. I love the idea of a PAT dog. Dogs would certainly light up a persons day. :D
    I have a cousin who has a son with Downs syndrome. Normally when there are a group of children Duski is right in there with them. On this occassion I watched Duski leave the other children and give his total attention to Colin. He fetched his dog toys and rolled them along the floor at Colin and returned them if Colin threw them. Duski stayed with him all day. It was quite special to watch.

    Paula ........ a job with dogs.. I would do that in a minute. Tiggs and Oscar, snow is one of Duski's favourite times that's one of the reasons I chose the picture.
  6. geoffhandley

    geoffhandley Gardener

    Oct 20, 2006
    Talking of PAT dogs reminds me of when the charity brought out the new badges. I had to send in a passport photo of myself to be put on my new badge. So i went down to the shop and the chap set up the special camera on the stand. The I told him that Duke needed one as well, cause he had to have a photo ID badge as well.
    So he had to undo the camera and slide it down the stand....and you know how difficult it can be to get a picture of a jet black dog. Took him a few goes before there was anything acceptable.
    You are right Duke did light up people's days. Hospitals can be so boring and lonely for people and Duke would wander in with his tongue wagging and tongue out. Who cannot be cheered up by a happy labrador? I wish my present dog could be one but she is a bit too feisty.

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