I am logged on to msn all day every day, pretty much, as I am Training Manager for the biggest Christian forum in the world (250,000 members with a staff of 200+) and have to be available for trainees and staff alike. One of my internet friends is also IT support manager for his firm which includes offices in Guatamala and China so he is logged on all day as well not only for advice but he does remote assistance via msn as well. Plus you can send documents and photos via it as well. I haven't had many problems and much prefer it over Googletalk, Yahoo IM and AIM. Having said that, a few weeks a go we did have a virus going the rounds where people on one's contact list would apparently ping you with a message saying stuff like "Hey, is this really you?" with a link. Click on the link, it took you to an invalid page but in the doing of, you allowed the virus access to your contact list and everyone started getting such messages from you! Was easy to spot though, because if you were a alert, you'd notice that the person who pinged you was showing as off-line, so you knew it couldn't be them that sent it. Don't click on the link, no problems. But that's the ONLY one I've had in 2 years. And SpyBot got rid of it easy. The only other issue I have with it is that each post has a limit of characters like about 200 including spaces which can be a bit of a bind for me when I am training as I have to limit what I copy/paste whereas in the other IMs you can copy/paste pages at a time. Anything more I can tell you? btw I'm [email protected] if you want to try it out.
Thank you very much Jo, I think after your reply will go ahead and take the plunge...........And you will probably be the first person i speak to. :thumb: