Hi everyone I think I know the answer to this question, but can anyone identify these little beasties? Found them today at the bottom of my herb pot. These herbs (as well as a couple of other apparently hardy plants) died over winter. Am I harbouring vine weevils? If so, what would people recommend to get rid of them? I've seen nematodes mentioned. Can I use these in April? I'd prefer not to use chemicals if possible to avoid tainting the herbs. Along with the lily beetles, rosemary beetles and harlequins we had last year I think we are aiming for the full set of nasty invaders... Cheers is advance, WG
Yep, vine weevil. I've found loads in my pots this year. They've had my herbs so I had to get rid of them. I think nematodes are your only safe option aside from getting rid of the infected plants.
Thanks guys. I really appreciate the help. Nematodes are ordered so just waiting until they arrive to signal the attack. I've got quite a few pots in the garden so I presume it is worth applying to all the pots as a precaution to try and get all the blighters?