Mine are very reluctant - one is looking like it is about to bloom, but the two big 'uns seem more intent on reaching skyward at the moment. Amazing that a 7ft+ plant can grow from a wee seed in only a matter of weeks.
smashing Zigs you just cant feel glum looking at sunflowers can you? they instantly make you feel cheery
@Zigs and @Loli you have nurtured them very well indeed Sunflowers hold a special place in my heart: my son made a sunflower from craft materials when he was just a little bit of a thing and I called it my Son Flower. I treasured it until it fell to pieces. But, sunflowers always make me smile for the sheer joy of them. I'm loving seeing how they are "smiling" in your gardens
Mine are pretty poor for some reason - the ones that have bloomed so far have very short petals? I'll get some pics and post them later
Been watered pretty much daily - I was wondering if they were a little too happy in fact, as the bed that they are in was well fertilised with chicken poo earlier in the year; the biggest one has got to be 8 or 9ft now, with loads of flower heads forming, so fingers crossed they will give a showing soon. I didn't get home before the light went to get photos, so will have to try over the weekend, sorry
Oh it's merely being a late developer and putting all it's energy into growth first (wow, those are tall!). Can't wait to see all those flower heads smiling back at you, FC
I'm working at the rugby tomorrow, so doubt I will make it home before dark, but I am home on Sunday so will endeavour to get photos then
@"M" , do you remember - I said you only gave me 5 sunflower seeds ? They perished sadly but, right in front of the outdoor Tomato monsters is this : Either I was a bit swiffy or hadn't got my glasses on, think I must have thought it was a tomato.. Jenny
I must apologise, I have been quite remiss at getting these photos posted to this thread - I will consider myself suitably chastised.