MURABILIA -event in Italy

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by miraflores, Aug 28, 2011.

  1. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    • Like Like x 6
    • catztail

      catztail Crazy Cat Lady

      May 7, 2009
      soon to be bus driver
      Very kewl Mira!! Looks amazing! I'd love going to that!
    • miraflores

      miraflores Total Gardener

      Apr 16, 2006
      mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
      It is held in a space within some old walls in the city of LUCCA (Tuscany), at the start of September which is very tight if you have children starting school immediately after (like mine) but I suppose not impossible.

      Comune di Lucca - Murabilia 2011

      Exhibition of amateur gardening
      XI Edition - Lucca 2-3-4 September 2011
      City walls (Baluardi St. Columban, St. Regulus, Liberty, St. Saviour)
      On days 2, 3, 4 September is the eleventh edition of Murabilia Murainfiore, organized by the Opera of the Walls of Lucca. The event has grown gradually from year to year, both in terms of number of visitors, both in terms of appreciation from the perspective of cultural and botanical.
      As usual, this year the three carriers are botanical themes.
      In 2011, the showcase is to plants with leaves, flowers or fruits of gold, wearing bright colors of yellow instead of green vegetable with the selection. A walkway is reserved for special grass or tall herb from a few centimeters to 3 meters in the hearts of gardeners in revenue last year, thanks to their extreme diversity and flexibility, which allows you to create striking compositions especially in autumn.

      The stars will then plumeria, frangipani or the exotic, a universe of shapes, colors and fragrances in part from the collection of the Botanical Garden of Lucca. These amazing plants, which in cooler regions of the peninsula are suitable for growing on balconies and verandas invite you to enjoy on the walls of Lucca, the atmosphere of a tropical holiday in late summer. Murabilia is also this.
      Murabilia takes place on four bastions: bulwark St. Columban, St Regulus, Liberty and San Salvatore. The Baluardi dedicated to commercial exhibitors, are back to being the bastion St. Columban, St Regulus, and that of Freedom, by shortening the distances between the areas dedicated to the sale, while the San Salvatore Bastion has been identified as the venue for Exhibitions and Expos The Institutional Stand. The visitor, equipped with a special bracelet, can enter and exit the exhibition every pretension whenever it sees fit throughout the day.

      Botanical Garden
      - The Hidden Treasures of the Botanical Garden: The botanical pharmaceutical Lucca from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century
      - In and out of the garden of Lisa. Exhibition of botanical illustration by Lisa Tommasi
      - Librinfiore. Library Youth Agora. Lectures and workshops by Eugenia Pesenti
      - Smell of frangipani. Show Plumeria
      - A World of Orchids
      Subterranean Bulwark St Regulus
      - Citrus fruit gardens of Florence. Sergio Garbari giant lemons. Photographic Exhibition
      - Fruit and vegetable growing contest amateur
      - Exhibition of bonsai
      - Show pomological tasting of old fruit
      Barracks Rampart St. Regulus
      - Conferences and debates
      - Plants and Knowledge. Presentation of theme books
      - Guided "succulent plants": a guide to understanding the world of cacti and nurseries through the visit to the Botanical Garden's collection, curated by Andrea Cattabriga. Saturday and Sunday from ore15.30 at 16.30 (starting Casermetta Rampart St Regulus)
      The Bulwark of Freedom
      - A.Di.P.A: The wonders of members
      San Salvatore bulwark
      - Championship Pumpkin biggest
      - International exhibition of antique farm machinery
      - A world of grass
      - A world of gold

      2 Friday from 12.00 to 19.30
      Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 from 9.30 to 19.30
      Ticket sales end at 18.30
      Ticket price
      • € 7.00
      • REDUCED € 5.00 groups of more than 15 people (group leader free)
      • € 1,00 over 65, children between 8 and 14 years, disabled people and carers
      • SUBSCRIPTION FOR TWO DAYS € 11.00 full / reduced € 8.00
      • SUBSCRIPTION FOR THREE DAYS entire € 14.00 / € 10.00 reduced
      • FREE ADMISSION less than 8 years
      Secretariat Murabilia
      Opera delle Mura di Lucca, Castello di Porta San Donato New
      Tel +39 0583 583086 / +39 0583 442161
      Fax +39 56 738 0583
      [email protected]
      Go to site Murabilia

      • Like Like x 1
      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        That looks great Mira, like the vine leaves for showing the veg better than our paper plates:dbgrtmb:
      • Jack McHammocklashing

        Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

        May 29, 2011
        Ex Civil Serpent
        Fife Scotland
        As is the labeling Ziggy,
        I go to Italy several times a year, just love the place, and everything "I" know about it
        They have a certain panache
        They can wear a treetreetreetree pair of jeans and just add a little something that makes you go WOW (No not a nice posteriour :-), just a patch or trinket

        Every common or garden market has several HOG ROAST stalls, wee piglet roasted head and all smiling at you as they carve the fresh hot slices mmnn delicious if you are not a Veggie

        Old clapped out cars have something about them other than the newspapers taped to all the windows and it bouncing up and down :-)

        Thanks Miraflores

        Jack McHammocklashing
      • miraflores

        miraflores Total Gardener

        Apr 16, 2006
        mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
        Bit disappointing the event as you can gather from the google translation that I made of one of the visitors post...

        Not only is the now ex-Murabilia next Murainfiore and has in fact been expropriated all'ADIPA to put in the hands of politicians and their sycophants, but it is unfortunately also the clear intention of turning it into a large cauldron with the sole purpose of moving large numbers to extract huge profits (they are revealing the utterances of the new president of the walls at the Opera: Only the numbers, the quality is just in words). What, then, from what I heard , win awards jury sellers of knives and ovens, in an exhibition of flower-growing, well '... I was there for m. .. to enter the first bastion visit and see me stand in front of dozens of "non-vegetable" before you see some almost lost in the middle. Not to mention the large number of "Dutch from local market" that does not fall within my definition of high quality, but not certain until I come to Lucca to find what I buy only 500 meters from my house to the market on Monday. frankly useless contexts such as these exhibitions of agricultural machinery, and if they find dozens throughout Italy during the summer, including harvest festivals, wine festivals and exhibitions of plowing: It was not a serious failure in Lucca without it! On the other hand I have not had a chance to see the exhibition of grasses, which interested me more than plumeria and orchids, while those housed in the Botanical Gardens, because with the extreme heat this weekend (Sunday morning it was raining, but we were committed to purchasing and collecting load the car: two wheelbarrows, four trips each way ...), add more miles to get to and from St. Salvatore just to see a set-up was not everything. I imagine the happiness of those who found himself isolated in the "ghetto" ... I have heard complaints galore from visitors and exhibitors (serious ones: those who do their work for decades and not because they have this year bought a pair of trucks from Holland with the supply of "perfect nursery kit"), I saw other prominent defections, and heard more than one exhibitor said that next year will be no more. If the trend is this, I know that I will follow their example, unless someone does not remain on the road to Damascus, struck ... basically there are exhibitions of smaller but at very high where to find what I like. Hoping that the filthy hands of politicians they are kept out. ... By the way of hope I really hope that the gathering of the ECJ in the Gunship S. Regulus not fall in subjects of this sentence (see Le Mura di Lucca » Lettera al Sindaco di Lucca, Prof. Mauro Favilla ): " ... The only thing that hurts is the Walls in the basement of the presence of unwelcome guests, dangerous and seriously damaging the image of the walls, for which solutions have not seen, I will in the coming days to do what has already been announced, as a duty that I can not and will not, escape. . " I hope they were just some of the mice or drifter ... Luke.

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