My Bridge Project

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Platanoides, Nov 5, 2006.

  1. Platanoides

    Platanoides Gardener

    Nov 1, 2006
    I am just about to demolish and re-build the bridge that I built when I first moved in to this property 15 years ago. It did have some remedial work done about five years ago but it is now requiring major surgery.

    That set me thinking about the whole project and I dug out some of the old pictures from the depths of my computer to remind myself what I actually accomplished.

    The challenge started when we moved in and decided to tackle the culvert where the burn ran under the main road.( Ignore the garden gnome put there overnight by my daughter who knows how much I hate them -- I could have cloned it out in Photoshop I suppose)


    The decision to hide the culvert and all that concrete with a bridge was challenging in itself but eventually, in out first summer, it was partially constructed and some of the planting was completed.


    Over the next four or five years it developed further both in planting and construction and below can be seen, more or less, the final design.

    One plant, controversial to some but useful in this connection, was the choice of a Polygonum baldschaunica, Russian vine. It can be a thug in some situations but here it is cut back each year to form an arch that leads you through to the steps on the right hand side and brings you out on the bridge with a totally unexpected view of the garden.


    In this picture the Gunnera manicata in the right foreground is just showing itself as is the Rodgersia aesculifolia to the left. Hostas amd ferns complete the planting. There should be a stand of Ligularia but something tells me that, this year, the slugs have won the battle.

    In another month or so the whole thing will be demolished and I will be ready to re-build.

    Just at this moment I am open to all ideas any of you might have as to style, materials or construction as I am currently only at the 'drawing board' stage of the project.

    Regards to all
  2. marge

    marge Gardener

    Jan 27, 2006
    What an achievement Plotty - and now youre going to start again :eek:

    I dont really have any ideas but I think rustic poles would look good [​IMG] Are you going to keep the plants as they are?
  3. Waco

    Waco Gardener

    Mar 24, 2006
    I can't see the pictures???
  4. Platanoides

    Platanoides Gardener

    Nov 1, 2006
    Thanx Marge I will add that suggestion to the ideas list.
    Sorry can't help you with the techy side of the images. I can see them OK and I assume Marge did. The Gremlins must be around,
  5. windy miller

    windy miller Gardener

    May 10, 2006
    A nice Japanese style bamboo one?????
    Or a blue Monet inspired number?????
    Or like Marge suggested a lovely rustic one in natural wood??????

    I could dream all day of what I'd do if I was lucky enough to have a garden like yours Platty!! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  6. Waco

    Waco Gardener

    Mar 24, 2006
    Got you now platty - lovely garden, what is the aspect, by the look of the plants it sounds shady?

    What a difference hiding the concrete makes!
  7. Platanoides

    Platanoides Gardener

    Nov 1, 2006
    Hi Waco it is very shady facing south with the bank above about 10-12 feet above the burn level and trees and tall bushes absolutely all around.

    It is lovely on a sunny day to enjoy the play of shafts of dappled light, changing by the hour, as the sun moves round. The whole character of that area alters constantly.
  8. Waco

    Waco Gardener

    Mar 24, 2006
    The bridges over my stream are very functional - car access and foot bridge, but this year I pulled a bit of the stream into the garden and know just what you mean about the play of light, I will just have to see what plants survive the winter.

    I think your bridge is lovely just natural, as marge suggests rustic, I think anything else would be guilding a lilly. You may think about getting a bit of colour into the lovely greenery.

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