my garden progress report

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by dandilion, May 13, 2008.

  1. dandilion

    dandilion Apprentice Gardener

    May 9, 2008




    ok so its small progress i know,but please bear with me guys coz i have never ever had a garden this large or overgrown before.

    today i have removed thistles and had a dig in the patch that i want to house my green beens and i have cut the hedge and generally tried to tidy up a little more.
    my grass is looking a bit brown now(think cutting it in the sunshine was prehaps not the best idea in the world.
    i still have abourt 50 meters sqr that needs de thistle and dandilioning,im hopeing to returf half of that space and keep the rest for more veggies.

    my front garden is quiet large(in my terms anyhow) to but apart from the odd stray weed i think the front is comming along nicley..i will put pics up of that to when i have a little more time.

    ya know noone told me what hard work this gardening malarky is,my back aches and i am feeling pretty exshausted...
  2. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Very satisfying though dandilion. Just don't rush it. Gardening teaches patience.
  3. Helofadigger

    Helofadigger Gardener

    Jul 7, 2007
    Hi Dandilion little and often works far better than fast and crazy at least that way at the end of the day you will be able to sit down and admire your handy work and maybe have a little drinky at the same time instead of doing yourself 'in' and crawling away into bed.

    Already you can see your progress and as you go along things will get easier and while your working away you can make plans for the rest of the garden because believe me you can change your mind a great many times before the actual end plan is done.Good luck and I hope the weather holds out for you.Hel.xx.
  4. Sar

    Sar Gardener

    Sep 25, 2007
    I agree with Helen, you need to make sure you have time - and energy - to reflect on your work :) It's such a fun thing to dig in and transform a space into something that you love.
  5. gingernutsman

    gingernutsman Gardener

    Apr 26, 2008
    Please Dandilion, don't think I am being cruel, but the slabbed area with the slope beyond is just begging to be lifted and levelled with a course of bricks and relayed. this would give you a step up from that wee bed you've created. Nice sturdy looking hut you have there!
  6. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Hi dandilion, although my garden is small (very) it is a mis-match of ground covering like yours. You are doing very well. Heed the advice here, take it slowly then you won't get fed up with it. I slightly disagree with gingernutsman, who is doing a fantastic job on his house & garden, in that thinking about digging up slabs, levelling etc is too much to think of just now. I am just glad that i am growing flowers, plants & keeping the lawn in check!

    So go slow but steady and you will get there. Keep the photos coming.

  7. dandilion

    dandilion Apprentice Gardener

    May 9, 2008
    if i was not on an almost non exsistant buget and had an army of people who would help me or i could pay i wouldnt think twice about getting the concerette lifted and having a rethink of what i could do,but as it happens im a very small woman who has two kids two dogs and a disabled for the time being all i can do is work with what i have got untill my daughter is in full time education and i can afford to go out to work.maybe then i can rethink the whole garden with a nice cash injection to help it along the way=)
  8. Beechleaf

    Beechleaf Gardener

    Jan 13, 2008
    I agree with the slow and steady philosophy. A garden will take up as much time as you let it. I would stick with digging the plot, and planting your veg. The growing season is progressing, and for many things this is the time to get planting.
    The concrete slabs can wait. It's a job that can be done in the winter, when nothing is growing in the garden, and the soil is too wet/frozen to work. If you attempt any work with slabs on your own take care, and mind your fingers and toes.
    Good luck

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