My garden project.

Discussion in 'Members Gallery' started by Anthony, May 13, 2008.

  1. Anthony

    Anthony Gardener

    Oct 8, 2005
    With so many members posting pictures of beautiful gardens I thought i'd begin a thread for my back garden. It's still a work in progress but i've got the week off so hope to be able to make some progress ...

    The garden is split into two halves. There's this half that I started last year ...







    So I've two large beds to the left and right with a nice patio area in the middle. The plants have only been in for a year so there are quite a few gaps. I also concentrated on shrubs rather than delicates.

    I've already gravelled the right hand bed and will get the left hand one done this week.

    The overturned orange B&Q bucket that you can see is my garden furniture so that's something else I'll sort out this week.

    There's also this half of the garden ... Ladies and gentlemen ... I present to you my vegetable garden ...


    Uhmmmm ... ok ... I know it's not quite there yet but i'll post updates.

    As always comments, questions or suggestions are always welcome.

  2. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    It is looking good Anthony, the shrubs when filled out will make a continuous flow of colour all the way round :thumb: What plans do you have for the veg plot?
  3. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Gardener

    Mar 22, 2008
    Very nice paving and trellis - It will be great when your climbers take off and start giving some green height too. Looks like the shrubs you have chosen will give plenty of winter interest too.

    Just personally it would be nice to see a small tree or two! they would give a bit of privacy from the surrounding properties - but I guess the scale of the garden may preclude too much choice, and compromise your light - I always put trees in my garden which I shouldn't, size-wise - just because I love 'em!

    Like Strongy says - give us some hints at the plans for the veggy bit! :)
  4. Anthony

    Anthony Gardener

    Oct 8, 2005
    Strongy & Cookie.

    Thanks for the responses.

    I am overlooked by the other houses but I really don't mind. Originally there were some really large privit bushes. These provided privacy but they were covered in lichen and weren't in the best of health so had to go.

    My neighbours are all very proud of their gardens and they've had to suffer many years of looking at what was a right old tip so i'm happy for the to take a look. (It's just me and my two cats that use it) What was surprising is how much friendlier they've been since I started. Plenty have popped over to take a look and a couple actually brought me over some plants. I'll post some "before" pictures shortly.

    The last picture shows the bottom a cherry blossom type of tree. Although it's not massive it cast such a long shadow. I've now cut it down and there's so much light, particularly in the evening.

    As far as the veg. plot goes I've not really got any plans on paper. I'm going to take some measurements and then post it on here.

  5. Anthony

    Anthony Gardener

    Oct 8, 2005
    Time to hang my head in shame ...


    I wasn't even bothered about replacing the gate ...


    My prize weeds and ornamental features ...

  6. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Anthony do not dispair, My daughter has just bought an almost derelict council house, that has been stood for years and it will take them years to get the way they want it, but it was the only way they could afford to get on the property ladder. Lets put it this way I will try and get you some photo's of the garden. The garden is quite big but the work that needs to be done is quite scary:eek:. I've told her I will help and the bottom line is, take it in stages coz thats what I'll be doing . Good Luck Ant:thumb: 02
  7. susannah

    susannah Gardener

    Nov 8, 2006
    Hello Anthony!
    Just doing my usual catch-up of garden goings-on and love your beautiful 'after' garden piccies - it looks absolutely lovely, you will find that with the choice of shrubs you will have a lovely show of colour and interest and hopefully have little or no weeding to do as they spread - lovely!! :)
  8. Anthony

    Anthony Gardener

    Oct 8, 2005
    Hi everyone.

    I thought i'd post something I did to my garden today. When I originally started on my garden I planted this ...


    It was quite small when I bought it and even though i've cut it back it's grown big ... very big! It's also a very plain green and just looks totally out of place. After a couple of hours riping it out, tidying and planting 3 Crocosmia and 3 Origanum Laevigatum Hopleys that I picked up from a car boot this morning things now look like this ...


    There's still quite a big gap but i'll deal with that next weekend.


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