Well what a day I have had not only did I get some cute little lights from ebay but Bob and I bumped into an old buddy of his from his biker days. The guys were talking about what they used to get up to in their 'youth' like the time they both decided to jump on Bob's motorbike and take it for a spin wearing no helmets just for the thrill and hell of it all....well one thing led to another and they had a blow out at 50 mph both went flying through the air and rattled their heads something rotten...strange how even now they think it was a right scream I bet in reality they were really screaming and filling their pants at the time! :D Bob's pal was amazed he didn't still have a bike but at least he's still an Hel's Angel even if it's only mine! Talking about Hell's Angels brings me back to this time last year one of Bob's old buddies died of liver failure a common thing among bikers if the bike doesn't kill you the drink will. We traveled over to the other side of manchester to send 'Yorkie' off now I'm not sure if any of you out there have ever been or even seen a biker funeral it will truely amaze you what these guys get away with still. It was a lovely service all the guys in their leathers and they even had The God Squad chapter doing part of the service, all along to the church and also to the grave side (so I'm told)these guys on their bikes stopped the traffic by placing their bikes right across the roads and not one of them rode with their helmets on and strangely no police was seen......sadly we never got to the grave side as our car broke down and had to wait for the AA to come and tow us away we were howling with laughter at that as I know Yorkie would have found that really funny! :D Helen.xxx.
Just in case all you guys and girls are thinking by heck what a rum lot Bob and Helen are....Bob was a biker in the late 70's but by the time I met him the only things that was left of his biker days was the crazy biker hair and Tom Selleck moustache! Needless to say that both moustache and long hair went to biker heaven pretty soon after we got together and you would never think that Bob was a biker looking at him today...the rebel has indeed been tamed the hair still plays up now and again but once it gets below ear level the shears come out! :D Helen.xxx.
great story Helen them bikers do all stick together,they are a good lot of fellows he he he intermiplants (brilliant)
:D :D Now that's kinda sexy Ste I think you might have got it right on the head there....now you all know why it had to go to moustache heaven! Helen.xxx.
Hi Helen, know i'm late again, but i did like your post. Isn't it funny how people you know could have been totally 'different' when they were young/er? Hearing about Bobs youth, how come he hasn't got his mates round to sort out catwoman? they wouldn't worry about upsetting anyone. it could be a lot more that cats do da :D cheers