My Local Garden Centre Is Having a Mega Sale

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Bilbo675, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. Bilbo675

    Bilbo675 Total Gardener

    Mar 15, 2011
    Gardener & Plant Sales
    South Derbyshire
    Popped into local garden centre today looking for a plant for a customer and came away with some goodies for myself :snork:

    Whilst looking around I found an area tucked away at the back that was full of plants being sold off at ridiculously low prices, I got a Weigelia florida and a Physocarpus 'Dart's Gold', both in 2lt pots for £1 each, an Aquilegia William Guiness for 50p and something I've always fancied having - a Calycanthus floridus for £2 in a 5lt pot, original price £24.99!!! - Happy Days indeed, grand total £4.50 :dancy::hapydancsmil::biggrin:

    They're also selling off rooted Christmas trees for £5 (trees that were between £30 & £60), various varieties, Norway Spruce, Blue Spruce, Nordman's etc, all still looking as healthy as they were before Christmas, I'm tempted to go back and buy a few to sell on next Christmas :)
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