My Monsters!

Discussion in 'Pets Corner' started by Joolz, Aug 15, 2010.

  1. Joolz

    Joolz Gardener

    Jul 27, 2010
    I thought you might like to meet my menagerie. I have six furballs, and love them all to bits.
    So, here they all Are.


    He's the old gent of the house now, and at 18 years old (though he's a couple of years younger in this piccy) he's enjoying his retirement from mousing. Spends most of his days asleep in front of the patio doors, soaking up the rays. Though he still has his mad half hour!


    He's now 12 years old, and thankfully he's a lot more calmer than he was when he was a kitten. All my cats are rescure cats, and as a rule they've all been fairly easy to settle in. Not Henri! He spent the first two weeks of his life with us living under the TV cabinet, and only came out to quickly eat his food. It's been a long and steady path with Henners, but he's such a loving boy now, and often snuggles up next to me on the arm of my chair. He was such a timid and nervous cat, would run a mile if you went to pick him up. But he's quite fond of a cuddle now, but only if he's allowed upstairs!:scratch:

    Bronte, aka Brontosaurus! Bibbips and foul mouth trout!

    Looks a right sweetie doesn't she. Well let me tell you now, she's got a mouth stronger than a navvy! If she's not happy about something, then you can be sure she'll let you know about it, in no uncertain terms! She's always got to have the last word. If I have to scoot her off the kitchen work surface (she can hear me opening the cheese from miles away) then she'll begrudgingly jump down, and promptly mutter rude words at you while she swaggers away. She can be a real sweetie though, and can purr her heart out when she's being fussed.


    Sally is Bronte's sister, and they're as different as can be. Sally loves going off out into the farm down the lane for a sleep in the barns, or mousing. She talks to you if you talk to her. Squeaks at you and trills, she's an absolute love. She's fast asleep beside me at the moment. k-l

    Luna, aka Lulu, LunaLumps and Umpalumpa.

    Luna is the sister of Turbo (you'll meet him next) and they're 4 years old. They chose us! We'd gone my local CPL branch to give a home to two kittens, and Lulu and Turbo scaled their cage to meet us at eye level! Well, we just had to bring them home with us!
    Lulu loves camping! I brought one of those little cat tents from Ikea a couple of years ago, and she can oft be found sleeping soundly on her little sleeping bag. She dribbles when she's having a fuss, and loves eating. She's partial to pizza, and those little penny donuts! Mind you so is hubby, so between him and her I never get a look in when they're in the larder! :hehe:

    And last but no means least. Turbo!

    He's my big baby! He weights a flipping tonne, but to look at him you'd think he was a lanky streak of nothing. But looks are deceiving. He's pure muscle, built like a brick outhouse, and about as macho as a gnat! He's a right wimp! He'd rather spend his day lounging on the bed. My bed to be precise!! He can (when its not raining, for he doesn't like getting wet) be found under the Leyandii. He's a real hunter though, catches anything that moves! Apart from the feral cat that's lurking about, and who beats him up on frequent occasions. Needless to say Turbo is also on first name terms with our vet! If only he'd learn to use his muscle to chase this cat off, then he'd fair much better, but like I said, he's a bit of a wimp; but I love him.

    So there you have it, that's my lot!
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    What beautiful cats you have there and some fantastic stories about all of them and many thanks for sharing your fur babies with us:gnthb:
  3. ClaraLou

    ClaraLou Total Gardener

    Aug 12, 2009
    They're lovely, Joolz. I'm sure they keep you busy - I find I spend a lot of my time dancing to the orders of one little black cat. He's currently scowling at an array of bowls - fresh chicken, Sheba, cat biscuits, water - as though nothing would ever persuade him to eat in this particular restaurant again.
  4. Joolz

    Joolz Gardener

    Jul 27, 2010
    Thank You Kandy and ClaraLou. They certainly do keep me busy, especially when the mousers have a busy day! :lollol:
  5. Val..

    Val.. Confessed snail lover

    Aug 2, 2010
    Hay-on-Wye, Hereford
    Oh these are gorgeous, I have one cat now who is 16years called Jason, I will sort out a pic. I adore pusscats but NOT when they bring you home 'presents'!!!!:skp:

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