I thought I would treat myself to a new white Golf Bunnet, I tried it on in the shop,at the mirrors . When I looked in the mirror I got a wee fright,, Staring back at me was my Father, who passed away some years ago.. It seems strange,in some people, when you get older your features change, in my case with the white Bunnet on I was my fathers double, as I remember him. (He was A Good Looking Man Also.) .. Has Anyone else Had This Experience,( With or Without A Bunnet). .
Arr, seen a pic of my dear old dad out with his mates back in the 50's, if it wasn't for the hair cut it could have been me
For some reason I've always avoided a Bunnet, possibly because in the rif raf, after apprenticeship, I never wore a Beret or Hat again. My wife did once put a Bunnet on my head in a shop in Bakewell........but after I took one look in the mirror it was back on the shelf!!
A lot of people have told me that I look a lot like a fatter version of my father when he was my age . None of the family say that (a large family as my father had nine brothers and sisters) but a lot of them say that I sound exactly like his youngest brother. Wow! I've just realised that he would have been over 110 years old if he was still alive.