Is that a regal pelagonium ScotKat, its a beautiful colour. a few years ago, a lady customer who was in her ninties, after having a gardening chat told me of this lovely R P she had and said she would bring me in a cutting, and true to her word she did. A pieice with a bit of root on it. I planted it up and it grew in to a lovely pink with a maroon center. I put it in the garden and forgot to bring it in before the frosts set in, I was so upset. Then I noticed one little stem that was still green so I cut it off and planted it, and it has grown in to a healthy strong specimen again, not in flower yet but very healthy. Since the day she gave me the plant I hav'nt sen her again, I think she may have passed away. I am so pleased I didnt lose the plant because she gave it to me and it is very special. It will always remind me of her. 02