My potatoe query.

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Nobbyrob, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. Nobbyrob

    Nobbyrob Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 7, 2010
    retired from Rubber industry
    Preston Nr Hull. East Yorkshire
    I am at a loss. i'am a new gardener who cannot get his head around what constitutes early, mids, and late potatoes, weather it is the variety or weather it is the time period one plants them. For instance, If I plant what is called a late potatoe to early would that mean I would be waiting longer to harvest them. The same as, if I plant, what is termed earlies would they grow at the same rate as a late?

    Even as a novis, I feel stupid making this post, But i'am so frustrated when i'm staring at all the different varietys.
    I suppose what I am asking is, can I plant any variety during anytime in the growing season.

    Someone gave me a few chitted potatoes last year, I planted them in the middle of April, I got a few pots off them but I didnt realy know if they should of gone in early or late,

    I do hope you can understand my query. Thank you for your time... Nobby.
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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      Hi Nobby,

      If you don't ask you wont find out mate.

      Heres an old post by Kristen that sums it up:dbgrtmb:

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      • Nobbyrob

        Nobbyrob Apprentice Gardener

        Jun 7, 2010
        retired from Rubber industry
        Preston Nr Hull. East Yorkshire
        Thank you for your reply Ziggy. Now I have a clear head LOL. Hope this season goes well for you.
      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Cheers Nobby, glad to help.

        I plant earlies in August as well, to get some new potaoes for Christmas.

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