mysterious blue flowers

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by lolopo, Apr 17, 2007.

  1. lolopo

    lolopo Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 17, 2007

    Hi all
    I am new on here as well as new to the world of gardening. I am very excited to learn about gardening as it seems to be so rewarding and relaxing. I also want a nice home for the bird!!

    When my boyfriend and I moved into this house, we found these beautiful blue flowers, see photo above, crop up in the back garden. I can't seem to find out what they are in any of my gardening books! can anyone enlighten me??

    Also, in parts of the garden, their stems are completely squashed and flattened. Although their blue flowering heads are thriving their stems are flat on the ground, squashed! How can I revive their stems without uprooting them?

    Many thanks for any advice. I will be posting lots on here while I make something of the neglected garden - lawn questions next!!
  2. Blackthorn

    Blackthorn Gardener

    Aug 21, 2006
    Hi lolopo and welcome. The blue flowers are Muscari or common name 'Grape Hyacinth'. Their leaves are very thin and grass-like and naturally tatty and flop about so don't worry about them. They spread quite easily and pop up all over the place.

    Lots of info about lawns in the 'Lawns' thread.

    What bird are you homing? [​IMG]
  3. lolopo

    lolopo Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 17, 2007
    Hi Blackthorn
    Thanks for your reply - it's so good to put a flower to a name now!

    As far as birds go, that's another area I'm a novice at but one which I want to hone. The most beautiful start to the day for me is hearing the birds and babies chirping and whistling away. It's exquisite. I particularly love blackbirds - I just love their colour and I've always found them to be so approachable! maybe it's me!

    We moved into this new house in October last year and since then we've been focusing all our energies on doing the house up from bare brick basically! now spring is here I want to give the birds and bees a nice place to visit so I can enjoy their beauty.

    I will be emailing lots more photos as I go along, on this board with more novice questions. I'm really looking forward to perfecting my new interest!

    Thanks again for your advice.

  4. oktarine

    oktarine Gardener

    Aug 12, 2006
    Welcome lolopo

    I used to live in Rugby, and just spotted your Cov signature,

    If you need any help, let us know.

    Best thing for the birds is to provide a good and constant variety of seed / nuts / fat balls , as well as a water bath.

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